By Catherine Jeandel

Mat A is 10" in diameter, mat B measures 8 3/4" across.


Glossy quallity crochet cotton (or use fil d'Ecosse) size 20, ecru, about 205 yds for both projects as mictured (about 125 yds for A and about 80 yds for B). Steel crochet hook US siz.e 8 (1.25 mm) or SIZE FOR GAUGE.


First round of mat A measures a scanl 3/4" on each of 4 sides; First two rounds of mat B measure

1    1/2" in diameter.


MAT A: Ch 12 and join with sl st in first ch of ch-12 to form ring. RND I: Replacing first dc with 3 ch throughoul, in bcg ring work (2 dc. 3 hdc and 1 dc) 4 limes: join with sl st in top of ch-3 (= First dc). RND 2: Work following pat diagram. allemate shells <sh> (= 2 dc.

2    ch. 2 dc) and ch Ips as shown. Up to md 16. join each md same as on md 1 and, as of rnd 10. cont sith I sl st in next dc. RNDS 3-16: Work following pal diagram and sym-bols with additional inslruciions. RND 17: Work picoted cli Ips thus: 7 ch. 1 sl st in 3rd ch of ch-7, then complete ch Ip with 2 ch; join this md with sl st in top of first 4-dc cl and fasten off (= black wedge). MAT B: Ch 12 and join with sl st in first ch to form ring. RND 1: Replacing first dc with 3 ch

throughoul, in beg ring work 30 dc; join with sl st in top of ch-3 (= first dc). RNDS 2-8: To complete center fiower. work following pal diagram and symbols with additional instructions.

and slipstitch to corresp st wherev-er necessary. Replace: on md 7. last 3 ch of last ch lp with 1 dc worked in first sc; and on md 8, last 4 ch of last ch lp with I tr.

RNDS 9-15: Form 5 complete motifs all around mat following pat diagram and symbols with additional instructions. At end of md 15, fasten off (= black wedge).

Up to rnd 6. join each rnd with sl st


JK 5-tr cl: leaving last lp of each st on fliM hook, work all 5 tr in same ch lp below, yo and draw thru all 6 Ips on hook

T t 2-dc 13-dcI cl: leaving last lp of each st on hook, /I /t\ work 1 dc in each of 2 (3) sts below, yo and draw thru all 3 (4) Ips on hook

f3-dc bobble cluster <Bcl>:

same as 3-dc cl but work all 3 dc in same st below, yo and draw thru all 4 Ips on hook



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