Thoa shdf? fieve no other aods tćfcre Me.
'hou shaJt not mjlse urno {het Jny qwen irojqet 0r ^Bktnessofamjihlng that isin hMitfnaJw&orfl^ b ki tr» «rth beneathcr that is in the wato- undpr J#» Owoshałt not bowdownth^lf totnmnorłtntfthffn;^,
fhelord God arn o JeaJous 6o4v5sJt/nq theintym ,fv <l3tntrs upon «i*chi|<jren untothttNnidnd fourth^ tht,n tot hau Mc; and showtaj mero^ unto «ndsc<thłm that Iow Mr. and h«p 6W.-.»rxlm<nlj.
ihou shait not takt tt* namr oftoeUrt tbvf Godin*»in.
f*the leniyńHj&y hin quiltlost/ut UMMUtanih^
'oath da<t. rońrrpii hotySad&fsyw; tj^ u/Aorfcbut U*S«entft <to| b tf#Saitafnef k‘n it Ihou shrt not do any wort, thou. rvjr u^htattty manserwninor $ i'.ranqtr Out ii withii tfef <pt«: for In r*nandearth. thesea.and a!l that (n th«mi£ -•v<n thda^-. a* onrfore tbr lord ofessed Iht Sajj. rf haflowed it.
Honor thq talher and tb^ netiitr.ttot thu davjS ^ W ^ upcn Uw land wDkh tU lord thq6od qto«h U*«-
Thou łhatt not WB.
Thcw stoalt not comroit adulteri^.
Thoo shait not steaL
Thou ihalt not btar filst wimcis aqainst thq
•yhou shait not covet thq r,< ;qhbort noose. tno\i •^t not oyjtt thq neiqhbort> włf«, nor nis n>an-* rvant.n°rh'A makls<rvant.nor his ox, nor his ass. *or anqthinq that is thq nelqhbofs.