1506346x954965439360764102171 o
1. T RAN SC R\ PTI ON V. (from the orthography)
A. lndicate the prosodies: rhythm and intonation.
(Account for your decisions/transcription; analyze cach sentence (ciassification of eiements), add comments.) A Trip Abroad.
A. Are you very busy just now? B. No, not for a few mmutes.
A. I want to ask you a favour, if 1 may. B. Certainly. Wont you s\t
Is that the man who sent you the tickets?
(graphic presemaiion of the rhythm)
(graphic presemaiion of ihe intonation contour)
B. Transcribe the pronunciation; indicate the assimilations etc. (Add explanations).
Do you think we should go to the theatre next week?
Ml/ A M €* m »-
1. <now>
2. <now>
3. <now>
4. <now>
5. <now>
6. <now>
*r% ~x i IH vou like to do?>
ExpJain the principles -
— * 'fromear-training 1. now
6. n0VV ,,dvou Uketo do'.' 7 \^hat \v°ul5°
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