16 17

16 17

splitting - headache sore - throat high - temperatur© food - poisoning

5    food poisoning

6    nose bleed

7    sore throat

8    splitting headache

I get home at 4pm and then I do my homework. I uśually eat dinner at 6pm. After dinner. I sometimes watch TV or a video. I uśually go to bed at 9:30pm.

4 1


4 optimistic 7 ambitious



5 reliable 8 impatient



6 sensitive

5 1

jnjury 3

pain 5 aches


hurts 4

suffers 6 bruise

6 1

F - gardening

4 B - hikłng


D - canoeing

5 A - fishing


C - reading

6 E - cooking

7 1

a 3 a

5 a 7 c 9 c


b 4 c

6 a 8 a

8 1

... suffering from indigestion ...


... accident prone

for work on account of..

5    ... is very fdnd of ...

6    ... had no tntentlon of leaving ...

7    should give up ...

8    ... went back on his ...

9 muscłe - pain nose - bleed travel - sickness heart - disease

1    travel sickness

2    heart disease

3    high temperaturo

4    musde pain

10 a) i to be at work.

2    havea headache.

3    I would tell her to take some aspirin.

4    Yes, I have.

5    I took some aspirin and rested for a bit.

b) (Suggested answers)

•    A: Where'8 the little boy?

B: He seems to be at the dentist.

A: What'8 wrong with him?

B: I m not surę. He could have a toothache or maybe he's just having a check-up.

A: What is the dentist doing?

B. Weil. rt looks like hes showing the little boy a piece of equipment.

A: Why do you think he’s doing that?

B I think he s trying to make the little boy feel less nervous.

A: Have you ever been nervous at the dentist?

B: Yes. I have./No. I haven't.

   A: Where are the men?

B: They soem to be at the gym.

A: How do you know?

B I cen te# equipment in the picture and •leo from the way they are dressed.

A: What do you think they are talking about? B: l’m not surę. They could be talking about their work-out or weight training.

A: Have you ever been to the gym?

B: Yes. I have./No, I haven't.

11 a) (Ss' own answers)

b) 1 E    3    D    5    G    7 B

2 C    4    I    6    A

c) (Suggested answers)

1    In a magazine or newspaper.

2    I think the writer wanted to show that sometimes there is hope even in difBcutt situations.

3    The Gift of Noise

12 1 F    3 F    5 F    7 T

2 T    4 T    6 T

13    a) 1 Cd like to make an appointment

2    Book me in for Wednesday

3    What's your name and address. please

4    Please let us know if you decide to cancel

b) (Suggested answers)

•    R: Hello. Central Clinic. Can I help you?

P: Yes. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr Barret. please.

R: Tuesday at 4pm is the first appointment available. Otherwise. there is next Friday at9am.

P: The sooner the better, please. Book me in for Tuesday if this is possible.

R: What's your name and address. please?

P: ... etc

R: Right. See you on Tuesday at 4pm. Please let us know if you decide to cancel the appointment.

P: I will. Thank you very much.

•    R: Hello. Central Clinic. Can I help you?

P: Yes, l'd like to make an appointment to see Dr Sandford, please.

R: Thursday at 2pm is the first appointment available. Otherwise, there is next Wednesday at 1 lam.

P: The sooner the better. please. Book me in for Thursday if this is possible.

R: Whafs your name and address. please?

P: ... etc

R: Right. See you on Thursday at 2pm. Please let us know if you decide to cancel the appointment

P: I will. Thank you very much.

14    a) 1 e mail    2 notę 3 memo

15    a) A 2 - notę B 3 - memo C 1 - e-mail

b) (Suggested answer)

To:    Ali Department Managera

From:    Mr Jacobs, manager

Datę:    10 June, 20...

Subject: Budget Meeting

•    Please be advised that there will be a budget meeting on Monday at 8am.

•    Everyone must attend and be on time.

•    Coffee and doughnuts will be served at the meeting.

16 (Suggested answer)


•    at cinema with Sheila, back by 10pm

•    borrowed your red scarf

•    car keys in first drawer of your desk

•    James called, might come by, will cali back later

•    sandwiches in fridge


17a) (Suggested answers)

1    memo to all staff members notę to secretary

e-mall to supervisor

2    memo - fbrmal, factual - written to all employees

notę - informal - point form to secretary e-mall - semi-formal - to supervisor

3    memo - purpose of party, tlme, datę, location, food and drinks sen/ed, cońtribution can be madę

notę - in a meeting, cali catering company, arrange meeting

e-mail - reason for writing, time, datę, location, details, closing remarks


e-małt Dear Roger.

Hope you re hawng a wondeiM fime. I just warfled to artform you thaff afl tie Mato tor Jrn Singer'e retirement parły łwe been ananged. The party wW be beto at fte Roysl Hotel on Saturday, 15 August aft 8pm i hawe madę arrangemertts tor a hghft bufieft dinner and drinks to be served.

ContribuUons to Mr Singer’® reSremert presera can be given to Mary Jones or mysefl Enjoy the rest of your hoUday.

See you next Monday.


Unit 6 - Better Safe than Sorry

1    (Suggested answers)

In the kłtchen: błender. microwawa. cooker, refrigerator. ełectric kettte, toaster

B A microwave is used to heat/cook food.

C A cooker is used to oook tood.

D A tełephone is used to talk to/communicate with people.

E A calcuiator is used to add. multipły. subłract or diyide numbers.

F A refrigerator is used to keep food ooid.

G An ełectric kettte is used to boi waier.

H An ełectric razor is used to shwe with.

I AyacuumdeenerisusedtodBancaKpetsandrugs. J A toaster is used to toast bread.

2 2 tum on    4 tum off    6 tumup

3 pług. in    5 tog off    7 tog on

b) (Suggested answers)


To:    All Employees

From:    Peter Harrison,    asst supervisor

Datę:    5 August 20...

Subject:    Retirement Party

•    Please be advised that Jim Singer's retirement party will be hełd at the Royal Hotel on Saturday, 15 August at 8pm.

•    A light buffet dinner and drinks will be served.

•    Contributions to Mr Singer's retirement present can be grven to mysełf or Mary Jones.

Please RSVP to Mary Jones at ext. 346.

3 2 remote control 4 tray    6 screens

3 door    5 aeriai    7 light

(Suggested answers)

2    A Computer has got a mouse. a screen wid a keyboard.

3    An iron has got a pług. a cord and atompOTlM control.

4    A camera hes got a tens. a cover and a shutter.

5    A kettte has got a lid, a handle and a spout

6    A refrigerator has got a door. shekres and ckawots.

7    A błender has got a swfteh, a lid and błades.

4    2    robbery    5    arson    8    kidnapping

3    smuggłing    6    shopWbng

4    hijacking    7    burgłwy



•    In budget meeting

•    cali catering company

•    arrange meeting for tomorrow at 1 tam



5 1


S automatpcefiy



6 proof



7 sateMte


6 1



3 eccused 5 cherged



4 suspeds 6 robbed



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