Work the stcms iii sieni stiteh using the illiiŃ(ralii>n as a guide.
C irapes.
Out al \ im al B Out at C in at D.
Out at 1 in at F.
( ontinue liii''
>equence until the grapę ts eonipletc using the illuslratioti ,is a guide.
Stiteh the other grapes iii a similar way.
I ea\es See lea I I.
Out at I in at 2.
Out at i in at 4.
(lut at 5 in al (>.
( omimie to stiteh the lea I in this way using the tinished illusiration as a guide.
Work lite eentre veins ol eaeh leal section in haekstiteh.
Stiteh the other leal in a similar way.
These Fornt-A-Lines instructions are copyright £• 2008 I) .1 Designs and may not be reproduced without permission. Published by Form-A-Lines Stitching Cards PO Box 795. St. Albans. AL.2 2ZQ. UK. l ei: 01727 769733 Email