Ask Me Everything#8
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Eight news agencies
Throughout the world, there are organizations of journalists, called news agencies, that supply news stories to the news trade.
Agence France-Presse (AFP)
The first news agency, founded in Paris, France, in 1835.
An independent news network in the Middle East, based in Qatar.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
The largest broadcasting news gatherer in the world, based in London, U.K.
Cabie News Network (CNN)
A cabie news network based in Atlanta, Georgia, and the first to provide 24-hour TV news coverage.
A Canadian controlled, U.K.-based news agency, that started out providing infomnation for the financial markets.
RIA Novosti
A Russian information agency based in Moscow.
The official press agency of the Peoples Republic of China is State controlled.
Zuma Press
The woitd’s largest independent press agency is based in California.
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