TTnnrcUed. gradual stretching’ or gradual, passive stretching means that the muscłe is first tensed, then ■ca-^ć. and finally stretched gradually. Scientific studies have shown that thłs type of exercise is better than mlbcc stretching*.
E.~jr~rlrs of 'controlled, gradual stretching’:
TTiEtrolled. gradual stretching’ 'Controlled, gradual stretching’
ar Be hamstnngs. of rectus femoris.
Tnse are just two examples of commonly used exercises that we believe should be improved. As in the above, these exercises usually lack a safe, stable starting position.
7r_s is why we have madę special studies of applied anatomy and biomechanics to develop a refined aezrjTzjue. focussed on each separate muscle or muscle group, which we cali Autostretching.
Tłe rraiciples of Autostretching are:
• Scsting positions must be safe and stable.
• Tte real function of muscles/muscle groups must always be taken into account.
• The u hole exercise must be fully controlled and have the intended effect.
• Nfuscles/muscle groups must be stretched in such a way that they are lengthened as near as possible to tre normal rangę of mobility.
Tse-se vital principles are what makes Autostretching effective and safe. Autostretching helps you move 3^-; er and better. No protective reactions are provoked. And you don’t risk overstrained or tom muscles, snce stretching is slow and gentle.
>: -±is is what Autostretching means:
• Stretching your own muscles and sinews the right way, to prevent and/or relieve stiffness and other iscomforts due to tight muscles
■ Really effective stretching, because it affects all muscles that restrict movement.
reference 31, page 246.