- you stretch your muscles the right way to prevent or relieve stiffness and other discomforts due to tight muscles
- all muscles and muscle groups are stretched in the best manner with proper regard to their functions
-stretchingexercises arecomplete, andtherefore act on all muscles that restrict movement
- stretching exercises are fully controlled, for safety and stability.
Autostretching exercises are described in detail for most muscles and muscle groups. Color photos and anatomical drawings of the muscles stretched make it easy to follow the instructions. Autostretching exercises may be performed anywhere, anytime, with the aid of only a few commonly available objects.
Everyone should stretch, so this book is a guide for self-stretching as well as a reference work for medical doctors and physical therapists when instructing patients. It is a useful companion text to the two-volume clinical manuał, Muscle Stretching in Manuał Therapy, by the same authors.
Olaf Evjenth is a physical therapist and lecturer in manuał therapy at the Hans & Olaf Institute in Oslo, Norway, and a coach with 25 years of experience in track and field athletics.
Jem Hamberg, M.D., is a lecturer i orthopaedic medicine and director of the Alfta Rehab Center in Alfta, Sweden.
Both have morę than 30 years’ experience of treating problems conceming muscles and bones.
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