This farnity błasi sheltc' eon oe piacec in ne yard and wil provide proieuiion ayainsl thermai effecls. 'alout radiation. ano bast c-ttects from a nuclea' weaaon. II is designed lo accommooate a x a-Jjlls. This she ter will aiso nroviria excaller. 3-ul3Clion against tomadOCS. II has a orotccuon lactor lor greater thor cO which b tha Wiinimurn standard ot protoctior Irom failout radialion esiabl sned by the Federal Emergency Maragement Agency tor otiblic sheiters. It wi i w thstanc piast werpreRsufes of jp to 15 ptunds per sguarc mch (psi?. II It is bu lt as oetalled. w th the top near ground level. ari oj.door palio can uo constiusied above the root siat. The sheller $ acoessible by a hatch dcor and wood Stairway. fresn ab flow is provrded Py a harc-operaiscf cBntritjgal blower ono Iwo vcnt<lating pipes rbat extend above ground 'evei.
The blast effer.t f>tvn a m.r: ea- w«aixjr; is a wave ot ar. a: higb pressure moving outward tron tbe expiosion The movinę air s stronę enough and lasts ong enough :o destroy ouildngs out to a distance ot seva al nilas. Orcmary hores will Ce damaged or destroyad by the Piast pressure f It exceens iwo pounds per sguaio nch. At 16 psi peok overo'esf5ure, homes will be rerrocad lo ruoola ard there coulc bc tiros and smojlderirg debris.
People can be ki leo or injjred by olas: Ir ihree ways: First, the blast pressure acls diructly on weaker parts o' Ihe oouy su oh as Ihc lorcjs ano eardrums; second. it hurls pieces of aebris about at such speeds Ib a: Ihey oarr ki I or njure; and Ihrd t can Inrow persona aga nsl sond objeets. Proteclior ‘-om tlio ofCClS Ol blast eon oe provided only by structures slrorig enough to resist the otast wave. Occuponis of a shelte' can be kiiled severely injueo it excessive blast pressures en to' the sho tor A good blast she ter most have the opaning sea ed to kceo out the b:ast wavo. as we l os srroke and loxic fumes
The snelier has a wocd main naten cover and s. arna lor wood acccso hotch cover, botn of y/hich ara Oiosl hardoned to preyenr the blast wave Irom enteiing. The nam hatch coyer y/eighs aboot 60D pouods and would .ne ocened only when necded te moye turniture and egulpment n and out ot rre she ter The main ba ch coyar s bc c In place Dy 0£C binders (tv/o on each cl the long jides) Peoo k unter and loaye the she ter through the access hatch openmg m the main natch The access hatch cove- is hingec and v/eighs aooui 125 pounda. It aiso Is held In place by load bince-s (one on uacli o the long sides).
The ventilatron pipinę inclades a gale valve and plpc cap en the air inrake and a pipę cap for the air exhaust. tr preveni ifre blast wave fron entedng tho yertilation system. Durinę noimal periods. the pipę caps or. t>::lli tire dii irilake and exhausts Sbould be removed. Th s y/ill permit sorne natura verti ation and ba o kuep Ib.c shelter ery Wnen the blast st-.eiter s :o be uaec for protection. bom caos should bc 0 accd or :be air int3ke and exhaust, and the gale valye closec :o :he blower. lo preveill tho pląs: wave and smoke frarr. enterirg. As socn as the alast WBve has passed ovci tbc SholtC-', mc gate valve -o m° nln-wa- can be cpened. tnc pipę cao o' the air exhaus! ranovcd. and inc blower stariec. I< srrcke cćnlaminatos the air around the air intake, it will oó neoessary to es ny removal o' the pipę caps. and blower oceralion. To prevent falloul padioles ocing pu lec into tbs snelier •brougb tbe air intake. an optional aii rntake hcod can bo OlOrCd n tbc shcHer nnd nstal ed afier tba olas.
It tt a altack doos not occur by m° tine rhe shellH- tras oeun occuplcd for about 2 hours. the venti!ation system shou d be operste-d for ab:n.i in m nutes .o provido iresl air in Ihe shelter The ver ti ation system should 1hen ne closed again and th s cyc u repeated ont I either the blast wave has passed over the sheltft' (ceiected by a afiak ng novorrcnt) dr tho dar.ger of attack has crdec.