dc.........double crochet
dtr..........double trepie
{yo 3 times)
hdc.... half doublaCrochet lp(«).........../■ loop(s)
sc. V......singla crochet
sk. A..............skip
sl st . X........slip stitch
®P(3). A........space<s)
st(s) —V......stitch(es)
tog...... Y.....together
tr........\ treble crochet
Knlt-Cro-Sheen Crochet Cotton and size 7 crochet hook is used for making snowflakes and the star.
BLOCKING SNOWFLAKES & STARS: Tracę blocking guide tojpinning board and cover włth plastic wrap. Thoroughly saturate snowflake or Stanin stiffening solution and press out exce^bątween papaj towels. Foliowtng appropriate guide, pin into shapę, opdning loops as shown in photo and allow to dry.
STIFFENING SOLUTIONS Sggar • In a saucepan, combine 2 parts sugar and 1 paiiwatdf. Stlr togethers until almost d)8Solved. Brlng to bojlf Ramova Immediately and lat cool. Starch • In a sauce pan, comblnetf part dry layndry starch wlth 5 parts wateir Boli until mlmire thickens. Use Im-madlataly. If usipj this method, dlfS^iry proJect In watar and press out ikcess watar bafore \jpplng into starch solution. Glual Comblna 2 parts whin^glue and 1 part watar. Mix UfOroughly. Purchasod Stiffening Solutions • Various brands ara available. Follow manufacturar'8 in-structions. Nota: Bdfore placing itam tu ba stiffenad on any form, remove excess stiffening solution from saturated piece by gently pressing between papar towels.
approx.......approximate oppós...........opposite
beg............beginning po.................picot
bat............. between \prev ............previous
blk(śf . . r.. .... .. blockjs) Jem ......remaining
ch.................Chain / rrtd<s)............round(s)
cont............continua refo..............repeat
Size: 3" diameter
Ch 15, joln wlth sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 1,3 sc in ring, (ch 3,5 sc in ring) 4 times, ch 3, 2 sc in ring, join wlth sl st to beg sc.
Rnd 2: (Ch 21, sl st in 3rd sc of next 5 sc gp) 5 times.
Rnd 3: * 5 sc in next ch 21 Ip, (ch 3, 5 sc) 5 times In same Ip, rep from * in rem Ips, join wlth sl st to beg sc. Fasten off.
Size: 3%" diameter
Ch 8, join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3. 23 dc in ring (24 dc), join with sl st to beg ch 3.
Rnd 2: • Ch 11, sl st in 6th ch from hook to form ring, ch 3, tum, 10 dc in ring, ch 3, sl st into ring, ch 5, tum ring of 24 dc, sk 3 dc, sl st into next dc, rep from * 5 times.
Fasten off.
Size: 4Mr” diameter
Ch 6, join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 1,12 sc in ring, join with sl st to beg sc.
Rnd 2: * (Ch 15, sl st in 10th ch from hook) twice (petals worked), (ch 10, sl st in st at base of petal) twice, ch 5, sl st in st at base of next petal, ch 10. sl st in same st, ch 5, sl st in same st with beg ch 15, sl st in next 2 sc, rep from * 5 times. Fasten off.
Size: 4" diameter
Rnd 1: Ch 3, 3 dc in 3rd ch from hook (cluster worked), * ch 3, 3 dc under the 2 Ips at base of ch 3, rep from * 4 times (6 clusters), join with sl st at the base of beg cluster.
Rnd 2: “ Ch 6. 3 dc in 3rd ch from hook, (ch 4, 3 dc in 3rd ch from hook) 4 times. ch 3, sl st bet next 2 clusters, rep from * 5 times. Fasten off.
Size: 4Vk" diameter
Ch 10, join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc through-out pattern), 23 dc In ring (24 dc), join with sl st to beg ch 3.
Rnd 2: Ch 3, (dc, ch 1. dc) in same st (2 dc Shell worked), * ch 3, sk next 3 dc. 2 dc Shell in next dc, rep from * around endlng wlth ch 3, join with sl st to beg ch 3.
Rnd 3: Sl st to ch 1 sp of Shell. 3 dc
Shell in same Shell (Shell over Shell), “ ch 5, 3 dc Shell over next Shell, rep from a around ending with ch 5, join with sl st to beg ch 3. Rnd 4: Sl st to ch 1 sp of Shell, 4 dc shell over same Shell, * ch 7, 4 dc Shell over next Shell, rep from * around ending with ch 7, join with sl st to beg ch 3.
Rnd 5: Sl st to ch 1 sp of Shell, (5 dc, ch 9, dc) over same Shell, * ch 9, (5 dc, ch 9, dc) over next shell, rep from * around ending with ch 9, join with sl st to beg ch 3.
Fasten off.
SNOWFLAKE #5 Size: 4 diameter Ch 15, join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 1,36 sc in ring. join with sl st to beg sc.
Rnd 2: • (Ch 3, sc In 3rd ch from hook) 9 times, sl st in st with beg ch 3, sl st in next 3 sc. (ch 3. sc in 3rd ch from hook) 15 times. sl st in same st with beg ch 3. rep from * 5 times ending with sl st in next 3 sc. Fasten off.
Size: 3" diameter
Ch 15. join with sl st to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 1,36 sc in ring, join with
Edilor and Productton Coordlnator - Pat OapKe GraphŁc Daslgn/Layout • Bon ma Rosandalo Color Photography • T.R. Watias
Pubilshed by PAT DEPKE BOOKSJCRAFT WORLD. lNC.-OiM/*y Cratl instructions Uew Windsor. MD 217764779
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