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//the engine musi be running to do sonie wttrk, make surę the arca is well-ventilated. Never run the engine In a closed area. The exhaust contains poisonous car bon monoxhte gas that can cause loss of consciousness and may lead to death.
Gasoline is eztremefy flammable and L% explosive under certom conditions. Work in a wet! \entdated area with the engine stopped. l>o not smoke or allow Parne i or sparks in your w nr king area or where gasoline Is stored.
Inhaled asbestos fibers have been found to cause respiratory dlsease and cancer. A'ever use an air hose or dry brush to clean brake assemblies. Use an OSHA-approved eacuurn cleaner or alterna te method approred by OSHA deslgned to minimize the hazard caused by airborne asbestos fibers.
• The battery glves off explosive gases; keep sparks, flam es and clgarettes away. ł1 2rovide adequate ven Ilia Ilon w hen charglng.
• The battery contains sulfuric acid (electrolyte).
Contact with skin or eyes may cause severe hurm.
Wear protecilie clothing and a face shield.
— If electrolyte gets on your skin. flush with water.
— // electrolyte gets in your eyes. flush with water for at least IS minutes and cali a physician.
• Electrolyte is poisonous.
— If \wuUowed, drink iarge ęuantiries of n-ater or mllk and folio w with milk oj magnesia or legetablr oil and cali a physician.
1. Uso genuine HONDA of HONDA rocommonded parts and lubricants or fhou oquivalent. Parts that do not mwi HOND A't design specifications may domoge the motorcycle.
2. Use the special tools designed for this product.
3. Uso only motric tools when serviclng this motorcycle. Metric bolts, nuts, ntld screwa aro not interchangeablo with I nallsh fostoners. The use of incorroct tools and fasteners may damago the motorcycle.
4. Instoll new gaskets, O-rings, cotter plns, lock plates, etc. whon roassombling.
6. When tightening a series of bolts or nuts, begin with the larger-diameter or Inner bolts first, and tighten to tho specified torque diagonally, unless o particular sequence is specified.
6. Clean parts in cleaning solvent upon disassembly. Lubricate any slidlng surfacos before reassemblv
7 After reassembly. check all parts for proper installation and operation.
Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if repealedly left in contact willi the skin for prolonged periods.
Ahhough this is unlikely unless you handle usetl oil on a daily basis, U b sti/l advisabłe to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possiMe aft er handl-ing useti oil.