89 TransAlp Manual General Specifications Service 3

Tighten the bolts, nuts and fasteners at the intervals shown in the Maintenance Schedule (page 3-3).
Check that all chassis nuts and bolts are tightened to their specified torque values (pages 1-5 and 6).
Check all cotter pins and safety elips.
• Tire pressure should be checked when the tires are COLD.
Front |
Rear |
Tire size |
90/90-21 54S |
130/80-17 65S |
Cold tire pressures psi (kg/cm2, kPal |
Up 90 kg (200 Ibsl load |
(2.00, 200) |
(2.00, 200) |
Up to vehicle capacity load |
(2.00, 200) |
(2.00, 200) |
Check the tires for cuts, imbedded nails, or other sharp ob-jeets.
Check the front and rear wheels for trueness (Sections 13 and 14).
Measure the tread depth at the center of the tires.
Replace the tires if the tread depth reaches the following lim-its.
Front: 1.5 mm (0.06 in)
Rear: 2.0 mm (0.08 in)
Tighten the wheel spokes periodically. Morę frequent inspec-tion is necessary when riding off-road.
T0RQUE (front/rear): 3.8 N*m (0.38 kg-m, 2.7 ft-lb)
SPANNER C 5.8 x 6.1 mm 07701-0020300
Equivalent commercially available in U.S.A.
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