Skill Nurnbers to 30
VłJrtW**DV Ou'U jr,»i u<*va JJw6uv Q I :u| woisia Wi$l O
Porent: This activi:y prcwdos practico in wntmg numfcors to 30 and coootog forwarcte and bockwards. Counting backwards ‘S o $k»a Ihat <5 usod in var>ous matn proce ssos (socn as subtracbon). Tape Ihe completed skyscraper to a retrigerator cr a wali. Then tako turns pretending to t» an e-evator atleodant or a nder. The altendant can move tne olwator poco up and down Ridei. Id i/ko to go to ttoor 7. pteaso Artendam Going up— 1. 2. 3. -i. 5. 6. 7. Horo you atol Gong oack donn to tho tocty—7, 6. 5. -i. 3. 2, /.