CCF20110518 004
6 You have been asked to write an article for a magazine. It is one of a series ofarticles entitled 'Famous English Poets'. Read the notes below and then use them to prepare the article. Write no morę than one sentence for each numbered set of notes. Use connecting words and phrases as appropriate. You may add words and change the form ofthe words given in the notes but do not add any extra information. The first point has been expanded for you as an example (0).

0 1788: bom London, England. Father = 'Mad Jack’ Byron, diod when young
B. 8 yrf old.
81 1796—98: (jrammar źchool, Aberdeen.
1801—05: Harrow School — member fchool cricket team.
82 1805-09: Trinity College, Cambridge - early poetry publi}hed, mixed reactionf.
83 1809—11: 6ea journey to (jreece via Portugal, 6. Zpain, Malta.
84 1812: Mediterranean experience} —> poem 'Childe Harold’} Pilgrimage' -ooernight fucceff, fudden famę.
85 1816: marriage to Annę Milbanke - }eparated after 1 year — then fhort ftay in źwitzerland.
86 1818: began ma}terpiece 'Don Juan - 17 C. itory - originf in folklore —* long, narratire poem, 16 fectionf.
87 1828: 'Pon Juan’ completed -poem’} indiridual flarour from
(a) abrupt change} }ubject
(b) mixture theme} — }eriou}/comic.
88 1824". travelled to (greece — deep involvement politic} - }udden illne}} - died Mi}}olonghi, (jreece, 19 April.
Example: O Lord Byron was bom in 175fi> in London, England, and his father was ‘Mad Jack’ Byron who died when the young Byron was three years old.
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