type of phenomenon |
Enslish only |
Polish only |
both Enalish and Polish |
post-nKeolnr variants |
Interal release |
fronted velars |
22. Compare the płosives in tbe words below. Point out similarities and dlfferences:
Englbh |
Polish |
a) doctor |
doktor |
b) cowboy |
kowboj |
c) rtcord |
rekord . |
d) portrait |
portret |
e) gallop |
galop .. |
f) kU |
kit....... |
g) gibbon |
gibbon |
h) pick |
pik...... |
i) Mecca |
Mekka. |
j) dram |
dren____ |
23. The majority of Polish consonants have two variants: unpalatalized and palatalized. Study the drawings below and:
A. identify the place of articulaiion of the plosives,
B. identify the palatalized and the unpalatalized variants.

(c) .........g|ggg................................. (d)................jjg||||.........._
24. What sounds do the following drawings represent? Whlch of them are found:
A. only in English?................................................................................|........
B. only in Polish?.....................
C. both in Polish and English? (aj, ...........................
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