F00574 009 f001

F00574 009 f001

Pupil size

Smali: opioids, clonidine Large: tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol. amphetamines, cocaine, antihistamines

Respiratory ratę_

Reduced: opioids, benzodiazepines Increased: salicylates

Blood pressure

Hypotension: tricyclic antidepressants, haloperidol

Hypertension: cocaine. a-adrenoceptor agonists

Right upper quadrant/renal angle tenderness_

e.g. Paracetamol hepatotoxicity and renal toxicity

Cerebellar signs

e.g. Anticonvulsants, alcohol

Extrapyramidal signs_

e.g. Phenothiazines. haloperidol. metoclopramide


Any CNS depressant drug or agent causing methaemoglobinaemia. e.g. dapsone, amyl nitrite

Heart rato

Tachycardia or tachyarrhythmias: tricyclic antidepressants. theophylline, digoxin, antihistamines Bradycardia or bradyarrhythmias: digoxin, (J-błockers, calcium channel błockers, opioids

Needlc tracks

Drugs of misuse: opioids etc.

Epigastric tenderness

e.g. NSAlDs, salicylates


e.g. Amphetamines, caffeine

Body temperaturę

Hyperthermia and sweating: ecstasy, serotonin re-uptake mhibitors, salicylates

Hypothermia: any CNS depressant, e.g. opioids, chlorpromazine

© Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 20e - www.studentconsult.com


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