F00574 017 f014

F00574 017 f014

Normal Storage




Minimal pressure rise in bladder as it fills. No detrusor activity, sphincter muscle tonę increased during filling

Sphincter relaxes, detrusor contracts and vesical pressure increases. Good urine ftow until bladder empty



As for normal but during cough there is passive increase in the vesical pressure (no active detrusor contraction). This vesical pressure is greater than urethral pressure transiently with resultant urine leakage



As for normal but during filling there is abnormal detrusor contraction; this results in a raised vesical pressure. and if this is greater than the urethral pressure, leakage occurs



Bladder is very fuli. No detrusor contractions but minimal increases in abdominal and vesical pressure result in urine leakage (as in stress incontinence)



This shows only the voiding phase; the storage phase is the same as the normal. During voiding there is a strong detrusor contraction resulting in high vesical pressure. Despite this high pressure there is poor flow because of the obstruction in the prostatic urethra. Flow is typically wavy as the prostatic obstruction is somewhat elastic and varies throughout the void

© Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 20e - www.studentconsult.com


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