Hyperinflated barrel' chest
Heart sounds loudest in epigastrium -
Use of accessory muscles
Auscultation Reduced breath sounds ± wheeze
Pursed lip breathing Central cyanosis Prolonged expiration
Reduced cricostemal distance
Intercostal indrawing during inspiration
Cardiac apex not palpable Loss of cardiac dullness on percussion
Inward movement of lower ribs on inspiration (Iow fiat diaphragm)
Central cyanosis Tachypnoea
Smali lungs
Seealso Fig. 19.53
Fine inspiratory crackles at bases
Duli percussion at bases (high diaphragm)
Also: raised JVP, peripheral oedema if cor pulmonale
Also: finger dubbing common in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; raised JVP and peripheral oedema if cor pulmonale
Febrile ± rigors In pain (if pieurisy) Purulent sputum
Obscures R heart border on X-ray (Fig. 19.33)
Central cyanosis (if severe) Palpation •lExpansion on R Percussion
Duli R midzone and axilla Auscultation Bronchial breath sounds and tvocal resonance over consolidation Pleural rub if pieurisy
iVolume R upper zonę Palpation
Trachea deviated to R iExpansion R upper zonę Percussion Duli R upper zonę Auscultation
iBreath sounds with central obstruction
Deviated trachea (to R)
Elevated horizontal fissure iVolume R hemithorax Central (hilar) mass may be seen
Left pneumothorax
Tension’ pneumothorax also causes Deviation of trachea to opposite side Tachycardia and hypotension
Tachypnoea (pain, deflation reflex)
Palpation •lExpansion L side Percussion
Resonant or hyper-resonant on L
Absent breath sounds on L
Inspection Tachypnoea Palpation •lExpansion on R Trachea and apex may be moved to L Percussion Stony duli
R mid- and lower zones Auscultation
Absent breath sounds and vocal resonance R base Crackles above effusion
© Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 20e - www.studentconsult.com