
sich:," Zeitschrift fur allgemeinc Physiologie, 10 (1910), 69-119; Philipp Frank, "Dic Bedcutung der physikalłschcn Erkcnntnistheoric Machs fur das Gcisteslckcn der Gegenwart," Natururissenschaften, 5 (1917), 65-72.

67.    Philipp Frank, Bctiueen Physics and Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass., 1941), p. 31.

68.    Joachim Thiclc, "Ein zcitgcnbssiches Urtcil uber dic Kontrover$c zwischcn Max Planck und Ernst Mach," Centaurus, 13 (1968), S7.

69.    Hcrncck, op. cit., p. 6.

70.    Carl Cranz to Ernst Mach, Berlin, Oct. 9, 1910.

71.    Leitgcdanken (Lcipzig, 1919, p. 10.

72.    Ibid., p. 1 t.

73.    Ibid., pp. 11-12.

74.    Brush, op. cit., p. 208.

75.    Plank, “Zur Machschcn Thcoric der physikalischen Erkenntnis: Einc Erwiderung," pp. 497-498.

76.    Ibid., p. 502.

77.    Ibid., p. 504.

78.    Ibid., p. 505.

79.    Ibid.

80.    Ibid., p. 500.

81.    Ibid., p. 506.

82.    Albert von Schrcnk-Notzing to Ernst Mach, June 4, 1896.

83.    E. Forster to Ernst Mach, Berlin, undated (1900-1910?).

84.    Edwin G. Bering, A History of Experim;ntal Psychology (New York, >957), PP- 369-370-

85.    Ibid., 366.

86.    Sinnliche Elemente (Lcipzig, 1919), p. 24.

87.    Ibid., pp. 19-21, 31.

88.    Ibid., p. 31.

89.    Boring, op. cis., pp. 397, 409.

90.    Oswald Kiilpc, The Philosophy of the Present in Germany, trans. M. L. Patrick and G. T. W. Patrick (London, 1913), p. 48.

91.    Patrick J. Capretta, A History of Psychology (New York, 1967), p. 89.

92.    Boring, op. cit., p. 404.

93.    Ibid., p. 407.


1.    PSL (La Salle, 111., 1943), p. 336.

2.    AOS (New York, 1959), p. 25.

3 PSL, p. 372.

4.    Ibid., pp. 373-374.

5.    E&l (Lcipzig, 1917), p. 81.

6.    AOS. p. 255.

7.    CAOS (Chicago, 1897), p. 40.

8.    K. D. Heller, Ernst Mach: Wegbereiter der modernen Physih (Vicnn.i, 1964), pp. 17-18.

9.    PSL. p. 373. ro. E & I, p. 79 11. Ibid., p. 81,

12. K & M (Stuttgart, 1915), p. 86.

,3. Friedrich Adler, Ernst Machs Uberwindung des mechamtchen Matenai ismus (Vic»ua, 1918), p. 24.

14.    Ibid., p. 27.

15.    Ibid.

16.    Friedrich Funder, Vom Gestem ins Heute (Munich, 1953), pp. 286-287.

17.    Karl Leistner, Professor und Prolet (Karlsbad, 1932), pp. 144-148.

18.    Sec Mach’s newspaper articles in bibliography.

19.    Ernst Mach to Ćcnćk Dvorak, Vicnna, March 2, 1909.

20.    SW—Anzeiger, no. 10, (1875), 82.

21.    G. V. Osnobschin to Ernst Mach, Moscow, Jan. 19, 1883.

22.    Bruno Kolbe to Ernst Mach, St. Petersburg. Nov. 28,1891.

23.    Lieutenant Colonel Alcxandrc Zindeberg to Ernst Mach, Simbitsk, Oct. 5, 1892. (

24.    Bruno Kolbe to Ernst Mach, St. Petersburg, March 13, 1895.

25.    Sergei von Koschljakow to Ernst Mach. St. Petersburg, April 24. 1895.

26.    Joachim Tliiclc, “Ernst Mach: Bibliographic," Centaurus, 8 (1963), 214.

27.    Ibid., pp. 214-218.

28.    P. K. von Engclmcycr to Ernst Mach, Moscow, Jan. 31, 1910.

29.    Ibid., Jan. 14, 1912.

30.    Dr. W. Scharwin to Ernst Mach, Moscow, Feb. 27,1906.

31.    A!cxandcr Jollos to Ernst Mach, Moscow, Feb. 16, 1908.

32.    Lowintoff to Ernst Mach, Odessa, Oct. 8 and Dcc. 24, 1901.

33.    Hans Klcinpctcr to Ernst Mach, Bclogna, May 5, 1911.

34.    P. K. von Engclmeycr 10 F.rnst Mach, Moscow, Jur.c 6. 1912.

35.    Vladimir Nochotowitsch to Ernst Mach, Ekaterinoslav, Feb. 26,1910.

36.    A!cxandcr Bogdanov, “Ernst Mach und dic Revolution," Die Neue Zeit (Stuttgart), 26 (1908), 695-700.

37.    George Katkov, “Lenin as Philosophcr," in Lenin: The Man, the Theorist. the leader, Leonard Schaptro and Peter Reddaway, cds. (New York, 1967), P- 73-

3S. V. I. Lenin. Materialism and Empirio-Critteism (New Yors, 1927), p. 357-

39.    Leszek Kołakowski, The Alicnation of Reason (Garden City, NA., 196SJ, pp. 127-128.

40.    Ibid., pp. 127 and 131.

41.    Katkov, op. cit., p. 74.

42.    Ibid., p. 73.

43.    Louis Fischer, The Life of Lenin (New York, 1964), p-

44.    Ibid., p. 69.

45- Dietrich Grille, Lenins Ricale: Bogdanom und setne Philosophie (Cologne. 1966), pp. 63 and 2ii.

46.    Fischer, op. cit., p. 63.

47.    Ibid., p. 495.

48.    Lenin, op. cit., p. 13. The terms "Machian," “Machist. and . te ism Juggest a double mcaning in Russian, namcly, to blunder or nuss t e targe . licnce, calling Bogdnnov a “Machist" identified him •'* both 1 blundcrcr a a followcr of F.rnst Mach. Sec Wolfgang Yourgrau and Alwyn van der Men , "Did Ernst Mach Miss the Targel*?" Synthite. 18 (1968). 334-

49.    Lenin, op. cit., p. 51.

50.    Ibid., p. 40.



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