IMG 02

IMG 02


467-474; "Postulat der absoluten und relativen Bcwcgung," Zeitschrijt Jur Physili, 21 (1924), M3,5°-

73.    Ludwig Mach to Joseph Pctzoldt, Vaicrstctien, May ti, 1914.

74.    Ibid., Augsburg, Dcc. 14, 1919.

75.    Ibid., Junc 29, 1920.

76.    Joseph Pctzoldt to Albert Einstein, Bcrlin-Spandau, Marcli 3, 1927.

77.    Ernst Mach to Paul Carus, Vicnna, Nov. 12, 1912; Ludwig Mach to Joseph Pctzoldt, Augsburg, Junc 29, 1920.

78.    Joseph Pci/.oldi 10 Albert Einstein, Bcrlin-Spandau, March 3, 1927.

79.    Ludwig Mach to Joseph Pctzoldt, Augsburg, Junc 29, 1920.

80.    Hans Reichcnbach, "Dic gcgenwartigc Stand der RcUtivitatsdiskussion," Logos, 10 (1921-1922), 378; Bohuslay Brauner, "Einstein and Mach," Naturę, "3 (>924). 927;

81.    Hugo Dingler, D.;s Problem des absoluten Raurnes (Lcipzig, 1923), P- 43-

82.    Erwin Hiebert, "Mach’s Early Vicws on Atomism,” Boston Studies in the Philosophy oj Science. 6 (1970), 102-103.

83.    Albert Einstein to Joseph Pctzoldt, Berlin, Aug. 23, 1919.

84.    Joseph Pctzoldt to Albert Einstein, Bcrlin-Spandau, March 3, 1927.

85.    Ibid.

86.    Ludwig Mach to Joseph Pctzoldt, Augsburg, Fcb. 14, 1920.

87.    Ludwig Mach to Robert H. Lowie, Vaterstcttcn, Oce 18, 1922.

88.    Joachim Thielc, "Ernst Mach: Bibliographic," Centaurus, 8 (1963), 222-223.

89.    Ludwig Mach to Robcit H. Lowie, Vatcrstcttcn, Oct. 30, 1923, Jan. 29 and Fcb. 25, 1936.

90.    Sec Ludwig Mach to Robert H. Lowie, Vatcrstcttcn, Fcb. 28 and Oct. 30, 1936.

91.    Ludwig Mach to Robert H. Lowie, Vaterstcttcn, Jan. 29, 1936.

92.    Ibid., March 17, 1936.

93.    Ibid., May 31, 1947.

94.    Robert H. Lowie, Science. 83 (May 22, 1936), 499.

95.    Using Ludwig Mach’s numbers: no 1 was ncvcr finished or published; no. 2 was written and finished by Ludwig Mach but ncver published; no. 3 was ncvcr published and the naturę of it rcmains mysicrious; no. 4 espccially eon-ccrning "the consiiiution of rnatter" rcmains most mysicrious; no. 5 may havc originally included somc cssays published in the 1923 German cdition of Mach’s Popular Scientific Leclures, but beyond that nothing is known; no. 6 may havc bccn finished by Ludwig Mach with assistancc from Marie Mach.

96.    Privatc communication from Frau Anna Karma Mach (1967).

97.    Ludwig Mach to Robert H. Lowie, Vatcrstcttcn, May 25, 1947.

98.    Ibid., April 6, 1923, and April 20, 1936.

99.    Among the mansucripts that wcrc probably destroyed the most im-portant most likely wcrc: (u) Ludwig Mach's sccond cxpcrimcntal notebook (1911-1944); (b) The biography of Ernst Mach by Ludwig and Marie Mach; (r) The manuscript(s) on "the constitution of rnatter"; (d) Ernst Mach’s rc-ferred to (190S-1911) but ncvcr published manuscript on "clcctron theory."

100.    At the end of his lifc Ludwig Mach describcd himself as follows: "Ich kampfte fur cincn Toten, des sen Schattcn ich immer war" (Ludwig Mach to Robert H. Lowie, Vatcrsicttcn, Aug. 6, 1947).

"B,l3nz dc    sum »««**. 3J


1.    Mach’s intcrcst in Schopenhauer, who was popubr during the i86os, oroba-bly attrncted Mach toward Eastern philosophy.

2.    AOS (Mew York, 1959), p. 209.

3.    SOM (La Salle, 111., 1960), p. 578.

4. ESrl (Lcipzig, 1917), pp. 104-105.

5.    Joscf Popper-Lynkcus, Mein Leben und Wir^en (Dresden, 1924), pp.

6.    PSL (La Salle, 111., 1943), p. 30.

7.    AOS, p. 120.

8.    Ernst Mach, Outlines of the Theory of the Motor Sensctions (Chicago, 1961), p. 54.

9.    AOS. p. 356.

10.    Theodor Bccr, Die Weltantehauung eines modemen Naturforsehers: Ein nicht-kritisches Referat uber Mach's "Analyse der Empfindungen” (Dresden, 1903).

11.    losef Popper-Lynkcus, "Ernst Mach," Die Vossischc Zeitung (Berlin), Sonmags Bcilagc, April 2, 1916, p. 104.

12.    W. Fred, "Ernst Mach (nach scinem Tod)," Die Ak.tion, 6 (1916). cols. 430-431.

13.    1913 Auto., p. 10; Friedrich Hcrneck, "Ober einr unverńf?entlichte Selbst-biographic Ernst Machs," Wissenschafthche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Ur.n-ern-tat ztt Berlin. 6 (1956-1957), 213.

14.    Ernst Mach to Wilhelm Ostwald, Vatcr$tcttcn, May 29, 1013; Ernst Mach, "Some Skctchcs tn Comparative Animal and Humań Psychology,” Open Court. 32 (1918), 374; Friedrich Adler, Ernst Machs Ueberwindung des mechamschen MateriaJisnuts. (Vienna, 1918), pp. 28-29.

15.    This story t:tled “The Earthworm" is part of a manuscript by Dr. F.rns: Anton Lederer about his grandfather, Ernst Mach. It was written at the begin-ning of 1969.

16.    Carl T. Jackson, "The Mccting of East and West." foumsl of the History uf Ideas. 29 (1968), 91.

17.    Ernst Mach, "Der Kampf um die Universi:at." Nene Frete Presse (V ienna), no. 15, 732, Morgenblatt, Junc 7, 1908, p. 2, col. 3.

t8. Ernst Mach to Joscf Popper-Lynkcus, Vienna, July 6,1900.

19.    Ernst Mach, "F.inige Worte liber den ncucn Sylbbus," Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), no. 15, 413. Morgenblatt, July 21, 1007, p. 1, col. 2.

20.    F.rnst Mach to Josef Popper-Lynkcus, Vienna, Oct. 8, 1900.

21.    Marie Mach to Ernst Mach, undated.

22.    AOS. p. 75.

23- PW (Lcipzig, 1900), pp. 371-372-

24. Ćcnck Dvo?ak to F.rnst Mach, Zagrcb, Oct. 12, I9°5- Camillc Fl.-nmunon was a scicntist and fashionable religious writer whose l>ook. Lj hin Ja Monde. łitted into the "hcat ilcath" tradition started by William I homson who interpreted the second law of thermodynamies in such a way m to prophesy that the sun was rapidly losing hcat so that in a fcw million ycars lifc on carih would perish. (Sec Stephen Brush, "Thermodynamies and History,” CuJuate



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