Krcidl, Alois: mcntioncd, 5:
Krcimicr (Moravu): Mach attcnded 'thool thcre for two ycart, xvii, n Krischck. Eduard (Austrian oflkial and longtimc fnend of Mach): wrotc to Mach about Strfan’s death, 146; ad-viscd Mach on transfer to Vicnna, 151 Kroczek, Julius: atomie theory unpopular at Brunn, 360; mcntioncd, 333 Kromf?»i. See Kremsicr Kulkę. Eduard (Vicnna author and musie critic): friendship with Mach, 21-23; mcntioncd. 80
Kulpę, Oswald (German philosophcr-psy* chologist): attractcd by and latcr rc-pclled by Machs phenomenalism, 229; attackcd Mach’* attribuuon of ccrtainty to semations, 229-230; imagclcss ihnughts discovercd in his lafcoratory, 227, 229-230; mcntioncd. x, 204 Kymograph (an instrument to measure blood preesure): Mach’* improsements on it, 20
Laai, Ernst (German philosopher): advo-cated pcsitivism, 121
Labyrinth: Mach’s work on, 51-55; Flou-rent cxpenmpnts. 52: Mach’* rcjection of Hclmholtz’* understanding, 57; Machs initial optimism about under-standtng it, 21. See also Acoustics: Motor sensations
Ladder analogy (Wittgenstcin’* ending to hit Traetafut)- Mach't influence on Mauthner and Wittgenstcin, 185. See also Bccoming-scicnce; End-scicnce Lacmmeł, Rudolf: a pro-Mach, Ziirich author, 190
Lamarckianitm (the inhcritancc of ac-quircd charactcrstict): Mach's acccp-tance of, 21; inhcritancc of mental characterisiics, 60; Mach inipired by, 69; influcnccd Mach'» external purpose of science, 169; influcnccd Mich's un-deriunding of the prehistory of mechanice, 371-272. See also Hering, Ewald; Unconscious memory Lampa, Anton (Austrian physicist and adult educator): background and Mach’s philosophical influence on, 159, 209; vcry sympathetie with Machs padfitm and amaciion toward Bud* dhism. 295-295'. troublc understand-ing Einstein’* theory, 364; diuurbcd by light constancy in spccial theory, 250-251; csaluatcd merits of Jaurnann
and Einstein for Praguc professorship, 250-251, 267-270; lectuicd on Mach's rcaction to spinthanscope scintillations, 320; mcntioncd, 269, 300, 322 Lange, Friedrich (German philosopher and educator): opposcd rcality of at-oms, 89: leader of nco-Kantian movc* ment, 121; proposed cducational reform, 136, 137
Language gamę. See Linguistic reduction-ism; Wittgenstcin, Ludwig Lauc, Max von: mcntioncd, 275 Laws, scicntińc: Mach's understanding of, 177, 192: Einstcin's rcjection oł Mach's approach, 249, 259; mcntioncd, 11 Lecher, Ernst (Mach's succcssor at Praguc): anti-Semitic, 82; commcntcd on Mach's philosophical influence over the majority of physicists, 252 Leclair, Anton (Praguc immanentis: philosopher): possibly influcnccd Mach's decision to wrile his Science of Me-chjnics. 116; hclpcd interest Wilhelm Jcrusalcm in philosophy, 159; men-ticncd, 122
Lederer, Anton (Mach's son-in-law): married Carolina Mach, 148 Lederer, Carolina "Lina" (Mach’s daugh-ter): birth and nickname, 41; marriage and cmigration to America, 148; rc-callcd fathcr’s !ove of travcl, 162; wovc laurel wreath for fathtr, 279 Lederer, Ernst Anton (Mach’s grandson): dcscribed Mach'* Buddhiit conccrn for anirnals, 289-290
Lederer, Ey*. See Gcncalogy in front of book
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: mcntioncd, 34?
Leiden speech (Planck'* fint attack on Mach). See Planck, Max Leitgedan^en (Mach’s aniele and latcr book against Planck): quotations from, 224; rcpublishcd, 300; foolnote refer-enccs to, 327, 330, 337, 339, 342, 343, 448. 3sr. 358. 360
Lenin, Vladimir: opposcd influence of Mach’s phenomenalism and “neutral monism" on Russian Marxists, 235-246; publishcd book against Mach’* idcas, 236, 242; denied that Mach’* siew* represented tlioic of most iscicn-tists, 244; opposcd Bogdanov’s "Mach* istn, 240-246; Kussian occupaiion of Czcchoslovakia hclpcd end Mach'* influence thcrc, 317
łVcjoy, Arthur (American philosophcr-historian): opposcd phenomenalism and New Rcalnm. 202-203 wie, Robert H. (American anthropolo-gi»t and friend of Mach): interested Mach in snrhropologY. 270-272: hełped raiłc hnancial aid for Ludwig Mach,
5\vy, Heinrich: wrotc on Mach’* antid-pation of Planck’* quantum discoscnc*, 3«o
jbeck Scirntific Confercncc (atonmm vs. cncrgcticiim): Boltzmann* victory Ostwald, 154, 204-205. See also Rolrz-nunn, I udwig; Ostwald. Wilhelm iidwig. Carl (German physkdogiu): work on blood pressure measuring instrument*. 20; helpcd influence Mach toward physiology, 21 ueger, Karl (maynr ot Vieana). op-noied Mach* atheum, 158-159; at-
Lcnzcn, Victor (Berkeley scicntist-philoso-
plicr): theory of aspects bated on Mach'$ theory of element*, 231 Lc Roy, Edouard (“Modernut" Catholic and philosopher of science): part of a Frcnch rcaction against po*itivi*m and the importance of science, 194 Lcscvich, V. V.. student of Avcnuriut and trachcr of Bogdanov, 239 Lichtcnbcrg, Georg (German philosopher): Mach rcad, 26, influcnccd Mach toward Humc's ideas, 27; Mach accepted his rejection of the ego, 35, 288 Liebenau (Bohema): Mach family'* an-ccstral home, 3 Liehig, Justus: mcntioncd, 56 Light, theory of: Ncumann'* work on, 14; undulatory theory of, 221. See also Optics; Rclativity
Light constancy, theory of (Einstein'* prin cipie): Einstein* youthful conccption of, 248: Born and Planck supported Einstein'* position, 250; not iclativistic, 358; refus.iI of Mach and Pctzoldt to accept unlcss interpreted in a "relativiitic" way, 274-275, 377, 282. 285; Einstein'* rejection of Pctzoldt* '‘relativistic" mterpretation of, 281-282: Ludwig Mach's attempt to detcrminc experi-mentally or to refute, 282-285; mcntioncd, 249, 280. See also Reladvity, Einstein’* theory of; Absolutcs Light quanta. See Photons Linguistic analysis: mcntioncd, xi Linguistic reductionism (the nution that mctaphysical, rntological, or epistemo-logical difTercnccs arc mcrcly linguistic m charactcr): Carnap'* approach, 303-304; Wittgenstcin'* latcr approach, 310; prcłcntationaliit naturę of, 303; failure to allow for tcprełcntationalism, 303-304; mcntioncd, 307 I.ipps, Theodor (German psychologist-philosopher): łtudent of Brenuuo. 62; criticizcd Mach'* book on psychology, 120, 227
Lobachcvski, Nikolai Ivanovlch: mcntioncd, 260
Lockr, John: prisatc languagc theory of, 310; mcntioncd, xi
Locb, facque* (Gcrman-Amcrican physi-ologist and philosopher): influcnccd bv Mach'* philosophical idea*, 120-130; not elear on diffcrences bctuccn phc-nomenalism and materialisto, *31 • £on‘ fuscd understanding, 186; approach limiłar to that of Watson and Neu-rath, 304
Logic: Mach'* lecturet on, 156: subordi-nation of to psychology. 138: subordi-nation of to Darwinom, pheawnenal-ism, and theory of cconomy, 175; less cert.in than senutions, 176; Jerou-
lcm’s definition of it in term* of Mads*s theory of cconomy, 175; Mich'* approach rejected a* "psycbologistic,” 174 176; mcntioncd, 152, 20:
Logic, symbolic: mcntioncd. 1S4. 199
Logical aiomism (Russell'* theory): based on Mach'* theory of element*, 331: mcntioncd, 199
Logical posirisism (a philosophital mose-ment which attempted to combine phe-nomcnalism with symbolic logie, *d-entism, and linguistic reducuonism): defined and comparcd with Corote'* Positiviim. 164-169; mcntioncd, 159, 184, 203, 230, 296. See also Posilmjm; Vicnna Cirde
Lohr, Erwin: continued Rrunn school ci continuum physics, 317- See also Jau-mann, Gusuv
Lotchmidt, Joscf (Austrian physiast): u-sodatc of Stefan. 24; backgmund and work on the «zc and density ot molc-cules in gases, 87: daimed en tropy wa* not rcscrsiblc, 88; retired, 147
Loschmidt numher: pcoportiorul to Aso-gadro'* number, 87
Lutze, Rudolf Hermann: mcntioncd. 6t.