Hafiwa. PomtfbdoL Afrtw K&(

Feelings: bored, relaxed, happy Weathen ifs raining. cold, sunny, hot. cloudy Verbs of movement: cycle, walk, run Other verbs: laugh

45 Word Power 1

2 g 3 a 4b 5h 6c 7f 8e 2

2    get rid of 3 got back 4 goes by

5 is in love with 6 thought about 7 picked up 8 make up for


2 death - life 3 love - hate 4 enemy - mena

5    dead - alive 6 handsome - ugly 7 cruel - kind

8    fbrget - remem ber 9 stay the same - change

Matura Comer

Zadanie 1

1F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5T 6T 7F

Module 16 Warm-up 1

2 museum 3 metal 4 Office błock 5 curved roof

6    spire 7 thick walls 8 baroque

9    concrete 10 gothic 11 brick 12 wood Style: (neo-classical). baroque, gothic Materials: metal concrete, brick, wood Features: curved roof. spite

Building: museum, Office błock

46    Grammar 1

2 f 3 a 4 d 5 g 6 b 7h 8e 2

2    to be ąuiet

3    to invite Elaine to the cinema.

4    to bring some musie to the party.

5    to go straight ahead and then tum first left.

6    not to move.

7    not to be late.

8    not to make a fire under a tree.

9    to bring them the menu.

10    to wait a moment.


2 advised 3 ordered 4 asked 5 advised 6 ordered 7 to Id 8 asked 9 asked 10 told


2    Jack advised his friend to phone Sarah.

3    The police officer ordered the driver to stop.

4    Jane asked her father to help her.

5    The instmetor advised the divers not to go diving on their own.

6    The robber ordered the bank clerk not to move.

7    Nick told his dog to bring him the bali.

8    The photographer asked the wedding guests to look at the camera.

9    The guide asked the tourists not to be late.

10    The mother told her little boy to give her the cup. 5

2    The doctor told the little boy to o pen his mouth.

3    The doctor asked the nurse to take the forms to reception.

4    The doctor advised the man not to eat red meat.

5    The doctor ordered the child not to touch the microscope.

6    The doctor told the patiem to come and see him again next week.

7    The doctor advised the patient to do some exercise every day.

8    The doctor asked the woman to roli up her sleeve.

47    Word Power 2

2    trucie 3 subway 4 garbage 5 elevator 6 apartment

Matura Comer

Zadanie 2

1B.C 2 A. 6 3 E. F

48    Focus on Writing


3    We can eat out own fruit because there are some fruit trees in the garden.

4    I have a big room fuli of computers so that we can play Computer games all day. (We can play Computer games all day because I have a big room fuli of computers.)

5    I've built a big games room in the attic because I like games.

6    We now have a barbecue in the garden so that we can eat outside in summer.

7    There are some tables and chairs on the terrace so that you can have coffee outside in the sun.


1 Their house has a very nice kitchen, bathroom and

dining room. but I don't like the garden.

2    After we had dinner. Mrs Smith showed us the house.

3    They live at 49, Wayland Road. Thafs near the centre of LiverpooL

4    We had a great time in Budapest visiting the post office saving's bank, the Chain Bridge. the castle and the statuę of Frans Liszt.

5    Ifs a dteam of course. but I'd really like to have a gymnasium, a games room and a table-tennis table in the attic.


2    a) noise 3 c) buildings 4 a) kitchen

5    b) detached 6 c) dining room


Students' own answers.



1    where 2 who 3 (who) 4 whose 5 whose

6    who 7 where 8 (which)




1    in 2 in 3 near 4 along 5 from 6 to

7    during 8 for 9 in 10 in 11 behind


2    tripod 3 in the dark 4 flash

5    take photos/zoom 6 bright light


1    Sarah advised Paul to talk to his parents about it.

2    The robber ordered the bank manager to put the money in the bag.

3    The teacher told the students not to forget their homework.

4    The receptionist asked the Client to complete the form.

5    Fenny told her little girl to point to her eyes.

6    Mark asked his sister to help him with his homework.

7    The police officer ordered the criminals to get out of the car.

8    Lisa asked her husband to get some bread when he went to the supermarket.

9    The doctor advised the patient not to eat any eggs.

10    The shop assistant asked the man not to touch the antique books.

Matura Zonę

Zestaw 4.

Rozumienie ze słuchu

1.1. d 1.2. c

1.3. a

1.4. C

1.5. b

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Zadanie 1.

1.1. b 1.2. c 1.7. F 1.8. T Zadanie 2.

1.3. a

1.4. c

1.5. d

1.6. a

2.1.0 2.2. H

2.3. E


2.5. G

2.6. C

2.7. B; nie pasuje: A. F

Test 1


1    live 2 don't like 3 get up 4 doesn't go

5 catches 6 walks 7 does (he) do 8 is 9 finishes 10 cooks 11 does 12 aren't working 13 are (they) doing 14 are 15 work 16 look 17 isirt teaching 18 is swimming 19 isn't sitting 20 is having 21 aren*t thinking 22 are enjoying


1    isn't worki ng/h as broken

2    are/have won

3    have lost/don't have

4    isn't/has eaten

5    has failed/doesn't know


1 decided 2 didn't want 3 left 4 were driving 5 broke down 6 decided 7 was waiting 8 drove 9 stopped 10 looked 11 started 12 was working 13 discussed 14 was telling 15 stayed 16 arrived 17 was finishing/finished 18 talked 19 went 20 had


1    have lived/lived

2    hasn't played/won

3    went/had/Have you been

4    Did you do/stayed/didn’t go

5    haven't seen

6    Has Simon bought/got

7    did Dave and Sue arrive/was/didn't arrive

8    didn't phone/forgot 5

1 set up 2 ca me back 3 deal with 4 get on with

5    go into 6 look after 7 get up to 8 putting off

9    gave up


1 behaviour 2 successful 3 decision 4 activities 5 disabled 6 suspect 7 alive/dead/died 8 poisonous person a li ty words: honest intelligent anogant campaigns: human rights. racism. vote, polUrtion, protest marth

emotions: annoyed, pleased, worried jobs: fire fighter. plumber. surgeon preference verbs: can't stand, enjoy. prefer ho mes: bungalow, terraced, cottage, three-storey

Test 2


1    can/can/must

2    don't have to/needn't

3    mustntymust

4    Can you/have to/mustn't

5    can/have to

6    Does Mikę have to/can't 2

1 have to 2 needn't 3 mustnt/must 4 can 5 can't 3

1 morę interesting than 2 the longest

3    morę expensive than 4 the big gest 5 the most unpopular 6 spicier than

7    less spacious than 8 as nice as 9 the best 10 worse than (or as bad as)


1    some/a lot of/much/a little

2    any/no/any/a few

3    many/a lot of/some/a few/a lot of/any

4    some/no


1    is going to study

2    will write

3    aren't going to go/are going to drive

4    will pass/won't be

5    won't work/will have

6    will be 6

weddings: groom, bride. best man. priest parties: barbecue. fancy-dress, house-warming, musie gadgets: juicer, washing machinę, calculator, laptop Computer

food: take-away. tinned, convenient, organie, frozen opinion adjectives: practical reliable, attractive


1 salty 2 tender, tough 3 sweet 4 hot 5 cold 6 bitter 7 sour 8 mild 9 spicy


1 makes a pro misę 2 mobile phone

3    new-bom babies 4 do the shopping 5 have a party


1 won 2 spend 3 borrow 4 are collecting

5    madę

Test 3


1    is/goes 2 see/will grvę 3 will watch/don't go

4    have/can send 5 don't leave/won't catch

6    will they do/is 7 won't go/don't invite 8 make/can be 9 listen/feel

10    don't study/won't pass


1 had/would buy 2 would you do/saw

3    didn't live/would visit

4    would go out/didn't have to 5 would she use/had 6 would know/did 7 didn't work/would you do

8 didn't like/wouldn't live 3

1    A: How long have you lived in Paris?

B: Ive lived in Paris for three months.

2    A: Have you ever had a serious accident?

B: No. Tve never had a serious aeddent

3    A: How long has Celia wanted to be a doctor?

B: She has always wanted to be a doctor.

4    A: Where have they gone on holiday?

B: They*ve gone to Hawan.


fon six years, the last few months. ten weeks, five days, three hours, years

sińce: 24 April. 2003. the age of ten. I left school yesterday evening, last Monday


1    Sports have been played for hundreds of years.

2    The dinosaur bones were found last year.

3    The Olympic Games are held every four years (by different countries).

4    He is admired for his talent.

5    Modem basketball was invented by James Naismith.

6    Football is played by two teams.

7    English has been studied by many people.

8    That building was designed by my aunt

9    That athlete was awarded three prizes.

10    The competition winners are given 1000 Euros.


1 picked up/hung up 2 log on/tum off 3 tum on 4 ring up 5 tum over 6 log off


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