Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons6(1)

Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons6(1)


A ęwiling angol mII <xłd the tihłshing touch to you- fcstrw tree. ft will make- a fretty tabłe oeuferpiccc, too

Angel Wings

Materidlg for Each Chłld:

1 tagboard circle 1 doiły, cut mto three sections short lengths of yellow yarn black fine-tip marker glue

Class Prepdra+lohs-.

For each child. cut a tagboard circle for an angel s face. using a jar lid. 2* in diameter. as a tempiate. Fold a doiły in hałf and half again. Open out. Then. using the fold lines as a guide cut out one quarter of the doiły, as shown (A). Fold the quarter in half Again, use the fold Ime as a guide to cut the quarter to make two wings (B) Have tape ready


t. Twist the targe piece of doiły into a cone and tape together.

2.    Glue or tape the two smali doiły pieces to the back of the cone as wings. O

3.    Use a marker to draw a face on the circle and glue on yarn for hair. Glue the face to the top of the cone


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