. Supplies needed: Thick string, thick needle, Elmer's Glue, a ruler, spray glue, 2 clamps, regular llx 8 1/2 printcr paper.
. Two-three pieccs ot hard cardboard likc thc kind you would get if you tore the plastic off a 3 ring binder
. A hammer & nail or a holepunching device. Would not recommend a regular nole punch, the holes would be too big.
• Only 2 pieces of cardstock of your choice of color or any thicker or decorative paper.(ll x 8 1/2)
. Fabric, paper, or what ever concoction you can scrape up for the cover.
. A strip of any kind of thin fabric.
(not depicted at left)
1. Take your printer paper and fold each page in half, divide them (aepending on how many pages you want) into sections of 5,
10, or 20 paaeS.
2. Mark a smali dot or linę on the top page of these sections along the fold about every 3/4 inch. This will determine where you will
Kunch the holes.
lammer or punch holes where you marked, Keep the sections separate from each other.
Double back and stitch over the re-maining spaces for reinforcement. Notę: a// the foldedpagesshouldbe tucked together when sewn (as depicted in picture #3)
^Horizontal strings
3^-// t 2
Clamp the sections together with the sewn edges facing the same way.
Now to bind the sections together you will sew vertically, around the strings going through the holes in the pages as will be depicted in the next picture.
How you tie a knot
1. Stitch under the string of the first or last section in the stack.
2. Loop around and go under the taił above your first stitch.
3. Then go through the loop you created and puli it tight.
4. Repeat...
Tie a knot before these steps...
Stitching binding page sections together
...and then tie the knot
Take the Elmer's glue and put an even layer over the sewing, don't put it so thick that it just oozes all over the place but thick enough to cover up the strings.
Take the thin strip of fabric and cut it to the length and thickness of the bound pages and place it over the glue.
Stack heavy stuff on the bound pages and al-low the glue to dry.