Ćwiczenie 7
Discrete point tests: cannot be pragmatic. There is no ordinary discourse situation ard no ro—a language use context where a learner might be asked to listen and distinguis- bet.', ee- : - : ś "sheep" or perform active to passive transformations.
INTEGRATIVE TESTINGj- Attempt tgassess a ieame^s capacity t lntegrative tests are often pragmatic »> the se-se ca: cev aa* process sequences of eiementsTnailanguage that camśarm to* that language, and which require :ne ea~r-:: a ra mappings to extraliriguistic center: \at_-e -purpose isto measure the studenfs abfity « afepaK ai closely related tc'ea cc—_rcacc<~ -erecr. ~ :
Reading* Writing A-e—,
Listę- rg-Sp-ea< 'g •“e* t Listę--g- *-*e- ~c«- i
: : -:• i.1- - - *•*.-_ : - * * r*:
wrong artswe' "-.e-cse —ij-c* roc
The name item response theory is due to the focus of the theory on the item, as opposed to the test-
levei focus of dassica1 test theor, b. -node,;ng the response of an examinee of given ability to each item in the test The te— te— i _ser Deca_sć ~ac, 'er suestcrs are -cc actca . ouestions: the.
might ber,::e c~oce ; -er : *; ca* -stateme-tso- questc*-«r»s ca- * c -scalę), or patientsyMptaBKSWB** a correct/keyec rescortse to a- ce- ; a person parameter is caie: acec car : -intelligence orthe strength of an attiMe discrimination (slope or correiat : - = -•:
Jeśli chodzi o te stimulus item to niestet. teg: - e ;c c : - *: -l - . es—r :»«•*
jutro w sq się dopytamy co to jest, no chyba ze v. ebe.
Cw 8 Cw 9
a) Discrete item
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