With one hand hołd the base strip toensureno tension is added. Apply modcrate tcnsion, 25-50 % o/avajIable tension to the Kinesio strip. As tensioq; added slide the hand holding the base up towajdj^ thearea ofjpain. End tension when the Split in the y i is bisecting the tai! from the initial Ystrip applicatjn.
Lay down the taiis of the Kinesio Y strip 'vith no tension. /nitiate gluc activation prior to any further I patient movement.
If the technique is applied correctly a "square" will be formed directly over the area of pain. This should create space and reduce pain and edema.
Oction 2; Use of three taiis of Kinesio Strip wjft J donut space correction.
Begin by applying a Kinesio strip cut into three equa! widths. The tape should be measured fromtfę : radial styloid process to the lateral epicondyleof the humerus.
Have the patient move into elbow and wrist flexion with uinar deviation. Place the superior strip along the superior edge of the common extensor muscle group. The middle strip along the mid-belly of the muslce, and the inferior strip along the inferior edge. Apply light tension, 15-25 % of available tension during application.
Application of the donut space correction tech-nique. For complete review see space correction application technique.
Begin by cutting a hole in the center of an ap-proximately 6-8 inch Kinesio I strip. Be careful to not cut morę than 2/3 of the available width of the Kinesio Tape. This may reduce its ability to adhere to the patients skin.
Cut the distal approximately 2 inches of each end into three strips. This is accomplished with two cuts into the taiis.
Have the patient move into a mid joint position
for the area to be treated.
In the center of the Kinesio Strip tear the paper backing and peel back to allow for tension to be applied to the Kinesio Tape. Apply light to moderate tension (25-50% of available tension) to the Kinesio Strip and place the hole directly over the area of des i red space.
Lay down the taiis on both ends with no tension. Splay the ends to dissipate tension which was created in the area of the donut.
lnitiate glue prior to any patient movement.
i«xuon strip may be appropriate. Slightly change the angle, maybe as much as 45 degrees to facilitate the gathering of morę tissue. When the technique is applied correctly, skin
should fili the donut hole and push above the leve\ of the Kinesio tape strips.