
Fimo& Soft Pofymer Clay:

Cherry Red * Black * Orange * Caramet * Troptca! Green *


Black 22gauge wtre * Wbite Embossing Powder Aluminum Foi! * Basic Too/s

Tear a 4" wide piece of foil and wad. Flat+en white clay and place aluminum on top. Cut out.

Flatten white clay and lay over top. Smooth seams.

Shape a 1" black bali into a cone with long neck. The belly    i s    really


Flatten a 3/8" white bali and shape into a circle. Apply circle over top of belly to cover front of penguin as shown.

Create flippers by rolling a 1/2" black bali into a log and folding in half. Add one to each side of body

Shape two 1/2" brown balls as shown. Make lace marks with needle tool.

Press shoes to penguin. Shape wire into Ice skate. Press into bottom of shoe.

Roli a 1/2” black bali into a rounded triangle. Flatten four 1/8" white balls and flatten. Apply to face as shown. Press holes for eye placement. Drop in beads for eyes. Shape beak into a triangle from 1/4" orange bali. Press over neck.

Scarf: Roli a 1/2" white log. Flatten red clay to the thinnest setting on pasta machinę. Cut a 1/4“ red strip and a 1/8“ wide strip. Altemate thick strips with thin. Roli along table extending the snake and reducing the diameter to just less than 1/4”. Wrap around snów base.

Flatten red clay and cut out a 3" wide triangle. Place triangle around head with points meeting in the back. Press seam together and fold down for hat. Swirl green and white clay*together and Roli into a log. Press over hat for brim. Sprinkle with embossing powder if desired. Bakę at 265 degrees for 1 hour.


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