Figurine Project of the Month Club


Fimo® Soft Połymer day: Caramel * Cherry Red * Black * White * Tropical Green * Sahara (Tan)

Two seed beads * day Shaper * * Needle Tool *

Pasta Machinę

Shape a 2" caramel bali into a tapered log. Press the thtdcer end of log against a fiat surface to create the shape shown at the left. Gentty puli up and eloogate the neck area.

Shape two 3/4" caramel balls into logs 1" long. Pinch both ends into pomts. Press pomts into leg area as shown in the picture.

Notę the fog in front of the tedy shows the correct leg shape.

Shape a 3/4" brown bali into a rounded tnangle. Nobce the smile - mark with needle tool the beginning and ending of smile. Then connect the dots by drawmg a linę with needle tool. I pulled down the center of the smile slightly to create a mouth.

Poke the hd es for eye placement and drop in eyes. Shape as desired.

Shape the front legs the same as the body using a 3/4" caramel colored bali. Roli a 1/2" błack bali, press fiat and add to bottom of front leg for hoof. Press legs to front as desired using fimshed picture above for placement or using your own posiboo chołce.

Mix various colors of green together using white and green. You will need a light green, medium tonę green and a Parker green. You can create hunter green by adding a very smali amount of tnack.

Flatten out different green cołors using the medium thick settmg on the pasta machinę.

Create a stack starting with white, then green, then white, then another cokx of green. Repeat unol you have a strip similar to the picture. Słice a thin section. Roli through pasta machinę at the nett to tlie Utimesi setbng. Cut a 1/2“ wide stnp and wrap around neckline for scarf. Cut mto a long tnangle for tassels as shown in the picture. Add dark green fringe and embellish if desired.

Think about how the fabric of the scarf woułd lay as you wrap the scarf around the neck. -This gives added personałity.

© 2004 Ali rights reserved * Linda Peterson Designs www. 11 ndapetersondes

Hat is madę from the same stack as scarf. SJice off thm section of stack. Roli through thm settmg on pasta machinę and wrap around head. Wrap green log around bottom of hat to create the bnm. Add a green bali on top for pompom.

Anders: Shape a 3/8" sahara bali into a long teardrop. Repeat 5 bmes. Apply one teardrop to each side of center. Use day shaper to blend in seam. Add stitch marks and pre-bake. When cool add to head.

Shoes: Shape a 3/4" brown bali into a short tapered log. Press the thick end to a fiat surface creating the shape shown above nght. Fmish with stitch marks. Add shoetaces from black day.

Fmhellish helly with a heart If desired. Or you can use a tmy day cutter to create another shape if desired.

Bakę project for 1 hour at 265 degrees.

Vanations: Place a candy cane in his hand or decorate with fake snów and glitter for a wmter-y feel.


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