Therapy for thc serratus anterior.
Starting Position: P: Sitting. T: Standing at P‘s left side. chcst and abdomen stabilizing P's upper arm and shoulder.
Grip: Ts right hand grips thc lateral/dorsal side of P’s upper arm just above the elbow, and holds thc arm medially rotated and fully adducted. Ts left hand grips thc vcntral/latcral side of P’s shoulder.
Procedurę: Using this grip. T gradually and maximally movcs P's scapula in a cranial, dorsal and mediaI direction.
Stimulation of Antagonists: T moves right hand. cupping palm over dorsal-medial side of P's clbow. T then asks P to move further in the direction of stretching. and resists that movement with right hand to stimuiate P‘s antagonists.
Fig. 21 b. Finał Position.