2.3.2. Therapy for the teres minor.
Starting Position: P: Sitting; right, upper arm fully flexed and adducted at shoulder; elbow flexed approximately 90°. T: Standing behind P.
Grip: T’s left hand grips P's forearm just above the wrist. T’s right hand grips P's upper arm just above the elbow.
Fig. 13 a. Starting Position.
Procedurę: Using this grip, T gradually rotates P’s arm until fuli medial rotation is attained at the shoulder.
Stimulation of Antagonists: T reverses left-hand grip to other side of forearm. T then asks P to move further in the direction of stretching, and resists that movement to stimulate Ps antagonists.
Notę: The deltoid, spinał part and the infraspinatus
are also stretched in this procedurę.
Fig. 13 b. Finał Position.