Sale Contract custom size 460 680

Sale Contract custom size 460 680

Sales Contract

Intcmatcrsal Trade Co IW KKdted m

&>'»)nam-gu Seoc Korea < hererarter a cabed as the ’8uy*0 and VN EXPORT Co .Lid tocjteo tn    Hanc*. Wemam (berenatter * caUed as the

'SetleO make me Sales Contract onder the tcnowmg teren and condscns

1. Sales Contract ( No. 01/PN-K1-A 2007-A datod Aug 8. 2007) :



Amo>xtt, FO.B.Wetnam)

11.802 pcs

Rattan products


•• The detaded Sales Contract ts atachcd hcrewdn

2. Ouality Control (Tho Trcatmcnt and Oecision of Inferlor p- < ir)

A. Oecision of Infortor good*

<»> Wetring Ojafify 7% tcterance gtve to e«poner

ShcUdOecavajla#emeiege*łp»r! icrwngthreadofthogoods (2) Cola a* goods are nutt haro me same a wKrrJ^łó^iła of sampie (J) Waifuocton transformed and me other*

Al good* aremusth*.* the same and ver, j *e shape and «orm »nl m« other ouaKy of 8 Treatmen! of Infeoor good*

Importer most be prcrnde ex.-i •• lence; pliolo and etc) and ouarecy V> export*r

Łupater most rcprcnn-e quanMy to eupcrter bot fansportabon e*pense and the Othet

e«pense»refb*o.' C e 'JS term*ol payrrert

lf OKporter vtar/taVwct me probtem gocds then importer most cooperate to collect to e ■porte' but the <;"•» c^opense most be bne to ocporter


l. Łoiivory Time and Ponalty


ałer bom wde ugned tht» contract expo>tee mus; »«p me Oeirrerj bmc(e« 8e*xe 3tn Sep but as loaow the UC Laiest Shęment datę) and report me ratę of fimshed goods m totai guantUy for portal shpment as importer neeo

Eaporter not kcep mo dewoty dead kne(Ex betore 3lh Sep bsd as foto* the UC latest Shprnent datelthen brth side agree me penaity shoukl be pand as bekrw cttaMKm Catcutaton of Oc*very penaity » Delayed day X TouiAmoont X t%

Partał shprrerł atso oso samo aOove The detayed charge sltol be deducfed ffom the nert fOOOMng ader amount

(4) Tho other matters:    Th# other matters shal be dicussed and sotved

uncjBrSirrosiuSbyJawaablo cooperaton Confrmed by    Aecepted by




Irtemaeona: Trade Co Ud -JBuyer)


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