Scan Pic0003 2

Scan Pic0003 2

Leeches: exercises

>    Read the text. Match each topie below with a paragraph A-G

1.    Problems with leech therapy ..........

2.    How leech therapy works ..........

3.    Patient reaction to leeches ..........

4.    History of leech therapy ..........

5.    Benefits of using leeches ..........

>    Find words in the text with the following meanings:

1. to make something become bigger and wider ..............

/2. cut off    ..............

3.    dangers    ..............

4.    outer openings in the body    ..............

5.    a state of being blocked or too fuli    ..............

6.    having a feeling of extreme dislike    ..............

>In your own words, explain:

a)    the job that leeches do

b)    benefits and dangers of using leeches


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