

Figurę 4: Army 2020 Armoured Infantry Brigade Structure

1 x Armoured    1 x Type 56

Cavalry Regiment    Armoured Regiment

Eqpt: CVR(T) then SCOUT

3 Sabre Squadrons each with 16 vehides

One Command and Support Squadron

Eqpt: CKallenger 2 3 Sabre Squadrons each with 18 Challenger 2 One Command and Recce Squadron

2 x Armoured Infantry Battalions

Eqpt: Warrior 3 Rifle Companies each with 14 Warrior One Support Company 1 x Heavy Protected Mobility Battalion

Eqpt: Mastiff then UV

3 Rifle Companies each with 14 Mastiff One Support Company

Gombat Sjpport

Combat Seryice Vjpport

Command Support

Force elements generated by 101 Log Sp Bde and Force Troop Brigades specific to missionftask


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