winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test08

winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test08

Unit 2 Test B

Listening Ęp

O Posłuchaj i uzupełnij brakujące informacje. Example

Will \oves Savage Garden.

1 He_Kylie.

2    He thinks she’s_

3 He_Nikki Webster.

4    He thinks Nikki Webster’s_

5    He thinks Mercury 4 are_



© Przeczytaj program telewizyjny i odpowiedz na pytania.

0 Przeczytaj i uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy. r on always them jor watches quiz

r\ like watching TY. I watch it (or about two^

hours every day. I like _shows and

wildlife programmes. My favourite quiz

show is _Friday. Ifs a musie quiz.

I usually know the answers to the questions. 1 like cartoons - they’re really funny! I like Scooby Doo and The Flintstones.

My mum and dad _watch the news.

I sometimes watch TV with _and

we talk about the programmes. My dad

loves sports and he always _

basketball. My mum likes films, but my dad never watches them. We all like comedy ^programmes. Our fąyourite is Air Bean. ^


4.15    Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

quiz show

4.    45 Jazz or Blues? - musie quiz

5.00    News

5.15    Johnny Bravo - cartoon

5.    30 It’s a Crocodile’s Life - wildlife


6.00    News

6.15    Football - Brazil v Germany. live from Berlin

8.00    News

8.15    Titanic - film with Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di'Caprio

10.40 Madonna - Paris concert


What time's the wildlife programme? 5.90

1    What time's the musie quiz?_

2    Which film’s at 8.15?_

3    Can you watch the news at 6.15?_

4    What*s Johnny Bravo?_

5    Where’s the football match?_



Vocabu1ary and grammar

© Uzupełnij zdania.


Mum loves Leonard Cohen. Lefs buy far his new CD.

1    The Pogues are great! I love_.

2    Where's my bag? Can you see_?

3    We like them and they like_.

4    There's Mr Wilson. Do you know_?

5    Hcllo. Aunt Susan! Ifs Kcrry speaking. Can

you hear_?


0 Uzupełnij wyrazy.


11.0 Y. e. Savage Garden. I think they'rc fantastic!

1    I think Norah Jones is b________.

I love her voice.

2    My dad hates quiz shows. He thinks they’re


3    The new Brad Pitt film isn't brilliant, but ifs


4    I don t like football on TV. I think ifs


5    We like Madonna a 1__!


© Oxford University Press


Unit 2 Test B 9


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