winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test12

winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test12

Unit 3 TestB

Listening Ęjp

O Posłuchaj i zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (✓). a które fałszywe (*)•


Paul's a singer.    s/

1    There aren*t any girls in Pauls band. _

2    The boys in PauTs band don t eonie

from Sydney.    _

3    Singing in a band is hard work.    _

4    Bond i Boys play every day.    _

5    Paul’s dad is a mechanic.    _


Vocabu1ary and grammar

O Przeczytaj i uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy. Example

I like making cakes. It's ea. 6.4..

1 My job's very i__________.Ido

different things every day.

2    Everything in a hospital must be very

3    I need help. This exercise is very



0 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.

^Fiona Walter is a policewoman. People cali ^ her 'Officer and she likes that. Her job’s usually boring. but sometimes it*s dangerous. When there aren't any emergencies, she works in the office. She talks to people who have got problems. Sometimes she helps people at road accidents. She usually starts work at 7 o*clock and finishes at 1 o’clock. Sometimes she works in the afternoon.

In an emergcncy she works at night, too. Today’s a quiet day. Fiona s sitting in the Office. She’s waiting for a man. He wants to talk to her about his accident. She's reading a newspaper and drinking coffee. Four other police officers are in the office, too. Theyre working on their computers. Jim,

. Fiona’s friend. is talking on the phonc. .

4    When we have lessons. the schooFs very

5    I m a cook. In summer. the kitchen s very



o Napisz, kim są te osoby z zawodu.

1 a


a óoćlor


Whafs Fiona’s job?

Sh&s a policewoman._

1 What do people cali Fiona?


4 a_ 5 a_


2 When does she usually finish work?

3 Does she work at night in an emergency?

4 Is she reading in the office today?

5 What are the other four officers doing?

Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając a. an lub the.


I want to be a pilot.

1 They’ve got_big garden.

2    He's going to_doctor.

3    He wants to be_dentist.

4 George is_actor.

5    _woman with long dark hair is my

English teacher.

© Oxford University Press




Unit3 TestB



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