winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test18

winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test18

Unit 4 Test A

Listening gp

O Posłuchaj i uzupełnij brakujące informacje. Example

You musi climb with a Climb Leader.

1    You must wear__on

the bridge.

2    You_wear glasses.

3    If you are 15, you must climb with

1    You can come alone if you are 14.

2    If you are with your parents. they can’t do the activities with you.

3    You can go rock climbing in January. _

4    You must have good shoes.    _

5    You must bring special equipment. _


O Uzupełnij brakujące części tekstu.

4    You can t climb in_

5    At night, you must take__



© Przeczytaj i zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe (✓). a które fałszywe (*).

Mountain Adventure Centre

Do you liko outdoor activities? Would you like to be an alpinist one day? Do you enjoy beautiful views?

If your answer is ‘Yes\ come and join us for a fantastic week at our adventure centre in the Tatra Mountains.

The course starts on a Monday and finishes on a Sunday.

If you are over 13. you can come alone. If you are 10-13. you must come with an adult and the adult must do the activities with you.

Our activities

•    hill walking •

Wifry    In summer

• rock climbing •

'1'r2*'-1, w 1 In winter U1 I lJf \    • skiing •

•    ski jumping •

'    You need

•    good shoes •

• trousers. T-shirts. sweaters and a jacket •

• a big smile on your face! •

You needn't buy any special clothes or eguipment - we’ve got them for you!

My favourite gamę is SCRABBLE. 1 usually

play with my sister. but there can_. You

need a special board and plastic letters. The first player takes seven letters. makes a

word and _. The word can be very

short - only two letters - but if it’s long. you

;_. Then the second player makes a

word. He or she must ‘_to the word

on the board. If you don’t think the word is

right. you can _. You can't use names

in SCRABBLE. You mustn’t1_that

aren't in the dictionary. There are also some special squares on the board. If you put your letters on them, you get extra points. The player who gets the most points, wins!

A get morę points B check it in the dictionary C join the new word D use words E puts it on the board F be three or four players

Vocabu1ary and grammar

O Uzupełnij wyrazy.


Mountain Adventure Centre is in

the Tatra Mountains.    >/

4 s__

© Oxford University Press



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