Listening |ęgj
O Posłuchaj i odpowiedz na pytania.
Does Libby's dad usually work in London?
Yes, he does._
1 Is her dad working in Australia this year?
2 Is his job boring?
3 Does he sometimes talk to people by phone?
4 Does he sometimes takc patients to hospital
by piane?_
5 Is he a pilot?
0 Przeczytaj i uzupełnij czasowniki.
f have comes ’s studying sings plays go J
Sheila ćomes from Australia. Her parents live in Sydney. They’ve got a big house with a lovely garden. Sheila's a musician. She
loves jazz and rock. She _the piano
and the guitar.
This year, Sheila _musie at
university in London. Shes living withan English family. They’re also musicians and they all _a great time together.
Sheila works hard at university and she
sometimes _with a band. too. They
give concerts at a students' club on Fridays and Saturdays. Sheila also goes to concerts with her friends. On Sundays. they _ to their favourite club. Sheila’s life in London is very exciting and she loves it.
0 Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.
Is your birthday in the winter? &
1 Do you watch the news every day? _
2 Does your mum like pop musie? _
3 Do you want to be a teacher when
you grow up? _
4 Where do you live? _
5 Do you wash the dishes every day? _
A Yes, I do. I wash the floor, too!
B Yes. it is. I was bom on January 6th.
C No. I don't. I don t like TV.
D Yes. she does. She goes to concerts. too.
E Yes. I do. It's a difficult job. but it's interesting.
F In a big house with a garden.
Vocabu1ary and grammar
O Podkreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.
fourth, first, flfth, eieht
1 healthy. basketball, ice hockey. ice skating
2 doctor, nurse. Office, hospital
3 difficult, good. hot, job
4 film. channel, cartoon. quiz
5 pop. jazz. musie, rap
O Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasowników.
PhiFs a cook. He worKs in a restaurant. (work)
1 Mr Brown’s a cook. He_lunch for
the students in our school. (cook)
2 Today he_fruit salad with ice cream.
3 I_musie a lot. (like)
4 Tony and Mark often_people at road
accidents. (help)
5 Do you see that piane? My dad_it! (fly)
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