winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test21

winners 3 nowe testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key new test21

Unit 4 TestB

0 Podkreśl odpowiednie wyrazy.


You mustnt i must walk alone at night.

1    We mustn't / must climb the rocks at night.

2    You cant / must be over 16 to sail without an adult.

3    You can / must take photos if you like.

4    You dont / can 7 need any special clothes.

5    You can / cant jump off the cliffs. You're too young.


@ Dopasuj zdania.


It's too short.    K>

1    It's too dark.    _

2    It's too smali.    _

3    She’s too short. _

4    They're too young. _

5    It's too dangerous. _

A It isn’t safe enough.

B It isn’t long enough.

C She isn’t tali enough.

D it isn’t light enough.

E It isn’t big enough.

F Thev aren’t old enough.


Q z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania.


can. my. bag. take. I ?

f-ati l tak?- m^1 baq?_

1 divc. here, can*t, we

2 swimming. is. he. the, river, in ?

O Podkreśl odpowiedni przyimek.


He's swimming across / off / into the river.

1    He's climbing down / across / at the ropę.

2    The bridge is in / up / on the Don River.

3    You can swim at / off / in the river.

4    The're climbing along / up / in the hill.

5    She's jumping off / of / into the cliff.



O Napisz 5 zdań na temat gry, w którą lubisz grać.


Extra tasks

ij) Podaj nazwy części garderoby lub sprzętów, których używa się przy uprawianiu sportu.


sraitren tramers

1    oletw _

2    pero    _

3    ilef akctej__

4    telehm _

5    utistew _


{D Utwórz 5 zdań. Każdy wyraz może być użyty tylko raz.

3 can. swim. we, in. river. this ?

4 mustn't. you. off, bridge. jump. the

5 clothes, wear. special. must. you



__ diving-^



having \

in the sea.


wearing \

along the path.


watching \

a pienie.



^ into the lakę.





) ( Total |    | 55 )

( Total

22 Unit4 TestB

© Oxford University Press



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