unit 4 test 1 638

unit 4 test 1 638

Yuriaitun AYariaiton B

Same:...............Xb»:............Dute:......< Totil 2J poiBfe)    Namc...............-Clis*............Dic:.......(TottlU poc*&)

/.OmpJae /w;** oj ottf JOpt>»m* H Complctc rum:* crf *xcupx*xts <10 poactt)


a. A _

lock* jftcr >hccp

b A

c« pccpłc •* hiir. b. A

XIW* liwv


wcrk*n J*chool

c A

pixns pxturc>

d A

boks jftcr \x*m ocedt


werk* m jrcsuurjnt


werk* m bund

c. A

t\p<s Icctcr*

2. ChtMtu ahe coneci wonL.(6polni i)    2. Ch/sne ikf coneci \%onJs.(6polni i)

1.    A trjff*: oficer............ »cxj unibon atwcrt.    I. A doctor ..........bc burda crkng jcd airckd

J. ónosi *i hiw to bdanthjw: to    c . hi*tai óxso*x hi w to    b ck «n*tbu\v to c h* to

2.    .......... J scorctiry tuvc to gct up carh cwry mccnajNYc*. ho óx%. 2. ............. acjrpaatcr.......... to fa bro4.cn ftreuouBcJ-Yc*. hc óx%.

a. tfcc* b. Do c. lUw tcu Do.......hivc b Dcc*....... hivc c. Dcc*.........hi*

I.    A &cf>    ...............tr*ivd a lot    2. A *b*:p **e*JiK............... trj\d a lot

j. dccsn*ihj\v to bbuwrto c. don^thiw to j. . cfc>csn*thi\v to b hi w to c. d»#tłu\\: to

3. CJnsue J&r coneci form. <3 poims /    i. Ckoose ike coneci form. (3 po mis)

J. Ttfkncacnjay fonjay* ukmj c jk crf j rumak j Naran » a good pboco^raphcr and *hc tikd tikc* k»c* of piciuret b My fi hor t cucha/ tejch Farrch at College .b. My fncnd** fjdwr r a tnffic crffiarr andhc cccgrol/cccKroKthc tnffic ntbc\trcct c Hr>undc    jr*‘ »vir j unifccm fccc jlic ho i* j policcmjn c Mytaichcrtaichc*/taichiztthc

4. .t/ci* A' ihr łeSaied nouic <4 potols)    4. Makh ihe leJaled words. (4 pokuj

I. pliccofuoik    j crjffic ligfc**    1 piicc crfwerk    i dcancccrj)2 cotncry*idc jaivjtac*

b . dc*ignbuildng*2 Courmsido jcavx»c*    b. polot    $ occifutxn* c . jfiK *tixo* cc cup x cci*    c anoffxe4 job jctniac*

d. hcad sfecp    4. Icto jcbvitic* d. *cB dodc*


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