Bctty Pcgjgotty,
propłwwn- owiicr of the Nimbie lin^cr Inn,
eanot bo licie! rcsponsablc for any anak of ncrvcs or appoploxy or any such Hness that inightc- lx- broughtt on as a rcsulto of a customer engaging witli (tliat is. obserfing or speeking lo or feeding) the Glutonouss Bcastc. Any visilfr willi a frail eonstituition or a bod bart is advised ihal they step through tliia door at tbeir own l iske.
li must be understood Uint the Gluttonnous Beeast is a monstrous aberration of naturę fbat nuty not be tamed or rcasoucd with.
Ali inqyrccs to bc dircctcd at its master, Mr Rudy Idolicc (to be found on tbe chair by the currten)
By order,
Bctty Pctfotiy