TRANSCAER® Team Members

Oovid Binder, Diiector ol Oirolily, Safety X Regulatory

Gobeisthe Director of Chemical Safety for CSX

Affoirs, Tonner Industries, ta In Southampton, PA, leods the

Transportation in Msomille, fl where he works

Ammonio Safety X f mergency Response Troiniig (ASERT™)

dosely with CSX's customers ond stakeholders on

progrom. He hos been in the ommonio industry for over 20

molteis related to hazordous materiał tronsportotion

years. David senes as Chairperson of the Philodelphia Lotni

safety. Gobe hos held o yariety of roles at CSX

Emetgency Plonning Committee ord preńousty dioied the

Tronsportotion sińce storting his tenure in April 2002

Educotion sutKcmmiltee. This cmmittee ptoduted o Sheltef

intluding Infrostructure Protedion, Gosremment

In-Pkice Video for the City of Philodelphio.

Relolions, Enczironmenlol Complkrnte, SustainaMity,

In September 2005, Oovid wos oppointed to the City of

and Chemical Safety. Gabe is a graduote of the

Ptiilodelphia-s Emergency Preporedness Resriew Committee

Uniyersity of Kentucky eorning o Bochelot’s degree

(EPRO ond senred os Cłtoirperswi of the Chemkol, Bilogittd.

in Internotionol Economics and laponese. He is

Rodiologicol, Nudear ond Explosive DevRe and Response

currendy sloted to graduote with a Mosters Business

(C8RNE) Subcommittee. The EPRC was charged with

Administratkn in April 2015 from the Uniyersity of

reńewing the emergency monogemenl structure ond plons

Flordo. Gabe wos bom in Northern Indiano ond roised

fot moltiple issue areas and published o report in luly 2005.

in Kentucky

In 2007, David wos sełetted to senre on the Hazordous

Gabe is one of seven children ond has been married

Mateiiols Response Comnittee under the Notionol Assodotion

to wife Donna sińce 2011.

o< State Fire Marshals (NASFM).

In 2010, Drwił wos oppointed to the Notionol TRANSCAER®

W Grorp (NTTGI, ond the Executive Committee oftheNnG

in 2012. In oddition, he senred os the Cunkulum Committee

(hoir for TRANSCAER®'s 2011/2012 Anhydrous Ammonia

Tour Program.

16 | TRANSCAER8 today - Winter 2015


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