10. Turn ihc engine off and chcck for correct oil level; adjusl as nccessary.
Oil Filier Screen Cieaning
The oil filier screen should be cleanetl at the interval indicated in Table 2.
1. Dram the engjne oil as dcscnbed in tllis chapter.
2. On modcls so equipped. remove ihe kickstarter pedał (Figurę 17).
3. Remove the right-hand side of the exhaust system as described in Chapter Six.
4. Disconnect the clutch cablc from the !ever (Figurę 18).
5. Remove the bolts seciring the right-hand crankcase cover (Figurę 19) and remove the covcr and gaskct.
6. Remove ihe Phillips head screws (A. Figurę 20) securing the oil pump assembly and remove. the assembly.
7. Remove the oil filier scrcen (B. Figurę 20) front the oil pump housing. Clean the screen in so!vcni with a medium soft toothbrush and carefully tiry with comprescd air.
8. lnspcct the screen; rcplace it if therc are any breaks or holes in the screen.
Make surę the O-ring (Figurę 21) is in /tlące in the crankcase prior to instull-ing the oil pump assembly
9. Insiall the screen anto the oil pump and in.stall the oil pump.
10. Install by rcversing these removal steps. noting the following.
11. Fili the crankcase with the recommcnded typc and ąuantity of engine oil as described in (his chapter.
Front Fork Oil Change
It’s a good practice to change the fork oil at the interval indicated in Ihble 2, or when it bccomes contaminated.
L Place wood block(s) under the engine to support it sccurely with the front wheel off the gmund.
On sotne models, it may be necessary to parttalły rcmove the front forks or the handlebar assembly to galn access to the upperfork cap boli. Ref er to Chapter Eight.