5*aĆ3 ara very «nil liii? *eed$—łtence Uieit namo The tao 9 md t*ads I recommend la wearóig are Crecn and Tney are mae i/iform m $iie than those toom olhw With a te* oicopftcos the seed lwa* used w lliir. bocfc : • * ?se. Thsjr have larger hotel h bcad weaurg. <$ cftoi s pass throuoh ?w bead mtfpte limes.
Tnere vb a number ol st«s o! seed oeacs used in ihu oook -6'.8 , ir.arnl U S«dbeadsa"e«edtrf annirberwttfian*’ symfco behnj n a someomes w* a W bełird rhe rumber That symto sla^ds la 'cojht' and conej bom an oW way ol nuntwnng beacte. Jusi rerre-nber lhat me larger the rumfcor. >>e smalte- fte fcc-ad
I ■ Or refltfe Ol fovstws co bsacs, a**! trcre sra bcrij thar seed b**ds. T>e IritoMog list s a onec reteence »the mcsi = ~e time These łashas are usud on teads oliw commcn bead Irishes.
i - iml bradi. ottoi wn ifi ~ twadnort.
MMC rtv duli fmnh On Ukic hn.li n miJ: W Auror* bornln IAB| ot irklrKOtt: TIioc bc»*
ctttuuj of tumSinf. hnv • ptrminn.l runi™ «.V«J ŁniJi,
i Mit Cr crtnrud ilu! u ut-
j'Toi |fiu 4hiuihI a wh/r «n»r, ■ Arbtirt.
• •ł-,pam!i brat* utlh * %Cnt lininj • \o jir (|im« taitfu ani ihiir* bo!
u llul lh< ałm mif Irrn.tb nr
lumt Inur.nl cii ulx> DnUig. M.t. be* hm i color Ih»| n unułr Jlltomr bum lh* jiat. ujlor pjinirO in»lr Hu IhjI;>
lUkUTitmlrr: Kradł ulik * in.u;urrt,v coVxtd
uul.np; on ihcro. The !inWl u oftrn nScd Or*Inn 1'nrl broił arc ule rłu* rr.it
Sotfnce-dyod: ftdoni inni on al xo« of toiji &> m«łr lite aillin.ll cokri UW* prjrplr and ptnl: Tło rotor ran »w ort ol IkW oW limo. 1*. MC u>e cbcir hrjoi on uf, pcomi iłui u ill Ir oura .« lundlnl a k<
Galraninrd iiirtalUu Thr ,-i.uikc nu:iil|| co Ibnr brj.it Jt my ibin *n.l utll i*u olf... timc !>> not UK rbc*r brjHi :r. uiytliirrgilu! «.-il tr handlnl ■u vn.rn,
Plalcd mrtollk: Btj.1* wńli.. nrtil
on thrm. Cbr. num tHm cokn «U and irr crpciunt