920 07

920 07

f(lRP 3.

t wiWi-alatfel Capi, U1 Uwytttf plam lu l»uUd & raprutluctlon IfeOiSaL fil hi* to v#łt>)

#21 alrcraft* Ali 1 caa iay la Bang on «allf boc«u*o lt la golng te ęo up, You muot do thio to flnd out if Lt will loaro tbo grgundJ 1 aa not In tbo naod of thli typa ai proof, I «*« lt fiy bach Lit 1900 a od lBOJi TCrn will *•* what I BłfcJŁ,

1 tltlrik the work you pooplo havo dono la a wcndorful thlng* 1 Juftt wlah poor old "Oua" gould hav* toto racognlzod ba faro thli* Bo wal wry nurt aan and a eood rmn, 1 would ooy ho was a g«ntu* wlthout any deubt*

1 can oloo r^oeaPor very filcorly wlian tho Wright brothora eloltod ot tfhLtah*ad'o otoop horo In frldgopart baforo 1903. I va» prao«at *jm1 o&v tboa oyMlf. 1 kno# thio to bo truo, boc&tiao tboy intreduood thamaolroo to oo at tbo tioo* In do way aa 1 coafuaod, a» oosm poopla bivi folt, wito tbo dittomaiu brot hora wbo c*jm Bora aftor looa* l lmo» Charloa VLtt«vaAfi wll* Tbo łrlfht1* loft horo wltb a grant d*al hf informa-

I ho roby Boa«r that all tha iorogotng atalo*onta wor* mado by mm durlmg Y&rloua Lnt*rvlon with Capt* CłD»yer and othoro of tho Conaogtlcut Aero-ftautlcal KlotnrlciJ Aaaoclatlont Ilarvoy Lipplnofitt, Alo* Cardnor, and Harold &ołan.

Ali of thla lottor h&a baon road to no io both Bnsliah and ln tha natlvo l&nguago of my country wtilcti li Kungerlan*

1 hopo tbls atatoBont eleara up any previoua aiaundorr?and Inga*

Pu?lag tho tranolatlon 1 ro^utatod tho abooo llnoa b* dolctod aa tho-j' cll-d not rupronent tbo oKict rtntouont 1 would lilto t£> bai/a ■m on raeord. Noto - I tumod U r<<

beat* Pagoa l » 3 * 3 Road V* fc*


Subaorlbad and mm ta baforo




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