Aircraft Constructions

Aircraft Constructions



Throwlng Instructlons

Throw upwards (about 45 degree angin) for loops Throw witti lorce as the wmgs shook)

YOor model ShooSd look kke this. Ta* section — toto as shown and do the same for the other s>de


Fok) ftaps JK back to the fwselage edges and do the same for the other skfe Then fotd over the leadmę edge ot thewmgasshown Thtscanbe ad/usted to su>t baiance reęoirements


Mountam fok) to hafto dtrecbon ofarrow


Fok) down fusełage section, tok) down ta* hn$ at ang<e shown and fok) up feadtng wing 1m wherc todcatcd If the front wmg span LMistoo deep your piane cook) sta* Re-foki asm step 1 but make the tofded fiap shghtfyless m length 10.

The compieted Ace Fker

be able to handie the thrust Refer to "The Art ot Throwmg" for morę detaifs on foopmg. orctesetcetera Thrsreattyisan mctedrbte design (<tf do sayso mysetf). one that can cafe/) upward breezes to ffy across the nerghbour s fence. across lown, across the at/es ... even across whote contmentst We*. woufdyoube>teve ... I

L    M



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