20 cm
15. Open sleeve for Figs 12 & 8 left
To plan the construction lines and sleeve head see instructions for the bag sleeve, Fig 11.
Plan the shape of the underarm seam, keeping outside u. If extra length is needed over the hand, extend AL.
The broken outline is for the dagged sleeve in Fig 8. For dagging see Methods, Fig 24.
Cut each sleeve in one piece on a fold. When setting into the gown, match the underarm seam to the side seam of the body: the fold linę will normally fali forward of the shoulder seam. As the sleeve lining will be visible, you could use a finer fabric than for the body lining, such as silk.
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tmta9 15 15. From toile to Błock The dotted lines are the fitting lines of the two halves of the totmta 0 20 cm 5 66. Short sleeve for Fig 2 This later sleeve reaches about halfway down the upper arm72792 tmta9 Man s basie short cote 4. Pattern layout for Fig 3 The cote shown is planned on 2.4 m otmta9 24. Smali child s Błock need to fit the shoulders, neck and armholes and He35389 tmta3 29 20 cm 29. Bodice and collar for Fig 28 Bodice - Tracę the bodice Błock to hip level:DIALOGUE CHARACTER ACTINC THIS 15 A MODEL SHEET FOR A PROFOSED ANI MATĘ D SERIES OF THE HONEYMGONER5tmta8 Outer working garmentsOverkirtles Overkirtle is used here as a convenient term to describeSNC01374 Czynność łożyska Łożysko: dojrzale łożysko - krążek o średnicy 15 - 20 cm, grubości 3 cm iskanowanie0047 (15) Vc z 21 1,20 cm 3 - 214, 20-40 T -m,K 4~ ACfo 406052 fi* > L * S • &Seite1 Herbstvasen Materiał Terrakotta-Vase mit Moos 15,5 cm • Terrakotta-Vase mit Moos, Hóhe 2więcej podobnych podstron