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ETA and Basque Nationalism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency): The Fight for...
Autorzy John L. Sullrvan ETA batsuna Wyszukaj
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Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge.
1979 Hem Batasuna launched a series of spectacular actions which included occupations of public buildings, marches, hunger strikes and acts of civil disobedience, which resulted in the imprisonment of its leaders. No party, apart from the PNV, could match Herri Batasuna’s level of activity. The mass participation component of the action/repression/action cycle assumed a greater importance than hitherto in ETA’s history. Typically, Herri Batasuna would hołd a demonstration, which would be broken up by the police, and ETA-M members would retaliate by killing policemen or right-wingers.18 When ETA-M members were killed in clashes with the police, their funerals would be the occasion for angry demonstrations and subversive speeches by Herri Batasuna spokesmen, which would in tum result in criminal charges against them. ETA-M’s growing body of prisoners played their part by going on hunger strike and holding demonstrations, which brought severe punishment on their heads and increased the anger of their supporters.19 ETA-M and Herri Batasuna had created an extremely effective strategy of tension which helped to ensure that the political demobilisation which had been achieved throughout the rest of Spain did not occur in Euskadi.
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ETA and Basque Nationalism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency): The Fight for...
Autorzy John L. Sullrvan ETA batsuna Wyszukaj
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Książki w Google Play Warunki korzystania z usług
Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge.
The continuing support for ETA-M presented the government with a considerable problem. Right-wing politicians claimed that ETA’s violence could be ended by military measures, whereas the PNV’s supporters believed that the problem would be overcome through the hastening and extension of Basąue autonomy.20 The government continued with the measures which were to lead to the election of an autonomous Basąue parliament in March 1980. The criticism of the government madę by the PNV and to a lesser extent by the Catholic Church was partially compensated for by the growing consensus on the Basąue ąuestion between the UCD, the PSOE and the PCE. When in February 1979 the Basąue PSOE leader, Enriąue Mugica, agreed in a television discussion with the UCD minister of the interior, Martin Villa, that Spain needed a morę effective police force, radical nationalists were confirmed in their belief that the ‘Spanish’ left and right were eąually imperialist.21 As the parliamentary and municipal elections approached, Herri Batasuna’s candidates seized the opportunity afforded by the election campaign to publicise the plight of ETA-M’s prisoners, by
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