ETA nadsque 2

ETA nadsque 2



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ETA and Basque Nationalism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency): The Fight for...

Autorzy John L. Sullrvan ETA batsuna    Wyszukaj

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Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge.

making inflammatory speeches proclaiming the need to continue the armed struggle for the liberation of Euskadi. Such speeches resulted in arrests, criminal charges against Herri Batasuna’s leaders, hunger strikes by those arrested, demonstrations by their supporters and declarations of support by ET A-M’s prisoners.22 During the parliamentary election campaign, Telesforo Monzón, Herri Batasuna’s leading public figurę, was imprisoned, gravely ill, in a military hospital. Such incidents produced a colourful and dramatic campaign which contrasted with the sober conduct of the ‘Spanish’ parties’ candidates and even with those of EE. Herri Batasuna's candidates had declared that they would, if elected, decline to take their seats in the Madrid parliament.

The parliamentary elections held in March 1979 strengthened the government’s position in Spain as a whole, as the UCD remained the lai*gest party. However, in the Basąue country the UCD did badly, as did all the ŁSpanislr parties. The PNV received nearly 280,000 votes in Alava, Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, and succeeded in having seven candidates elected to Congress and eight to the Senate, but remained weak in Navarre, where it stood as part of a coalition which received only 21,000 votes.24 The election results were also a triumph for Herri

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only 21,000 votes.24 The election results were also a triumph for Herri Batasuna which, in its first electoral contest, received over 170,000 votes, morę than half those obtained by the PNV. Both Monzón and Letamendia were elected to parliament, in spite of the coalition’s announcement that its candidates would not take their seats. EE’s

candidates also did well, considering that they were now competing with Herri Batasuna for the radical nationalist vote. Onaindia replaced Letamendia as the party’s representative in Congress, while Bandres retained his seat in the Senate. As the PSOE’s vote fell to 252,000 the PNV became the majority party. In the long awaited municipal elections, held the following month, the nationalist victory was even morę pronounced. The PNV obtained morę than twice as many votes as the

PSOE. Herri Batasuna also polled votes and had one hundred morę

councillors elected than did the PSOE.2-'



The PSOE had been expected to do badly in the municipal elections.


where a sophisticated propaganda machinę and television coverage could

not compensate for its lack of competent and popular candidates. In

addition, many immigrants who might vote for a "Spamsh’ candidate in a

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ETA and Basque Nationalism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency): The Fight for...

Autorzy John L. Sullrvan ETA batsuna    Wyszukaj

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Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge.


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