ETA nadsque 3

ETA nadsque 3



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ETA and Basque Nationalism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency): The Fight for...

Autorzy John L. Sullrvan ETA batsuna    Wyszukaj

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Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge.

an indication of the PNV leaders’ willingness to come to terms with the Spanish government was combined with a determination not be be outflanked by Herri Batasuna. In January the PNV representatives abandoned the Cortes in protest at the govemment’s delay in proceeding with the autonomy measures,7 and stayed away until shortly before the elections to the Basąue parliament, held on 9 March, which established the conditions for a genuine autonomy.

The tensions which racked the PNV had their counterpart in Herri Batasuna, where ESB’s resentment at the coalition being dominated by ETA-M was expressed in a press statement complaining that the national leadership of Herri Batasuna, which had originally been formed partly by representatives of the component parties, was now ‘elected’ in a totally uncontrolled manner by generał assemblies.78 HASF’s branch in San Sebastian argued that a democratic organisation should always be able to recall its leadership and therefore it supported the procedurę which ESB’s leaders objected to.79 Aldecoa, ESBs generał secretary, reiterated that Herri Batasuna was an electoral coalition, that ESB did not approve of candidates being selected in a generał assembly, and that it might leave the alliance.80 Before the elections to the autonomous Basąue

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KUP E-BOOKA -438,90 ZŁ

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ETA and Basque Nationalism (RLE: Terrorism & Insurgency): The Fight for...

Autorzy John L. Sullrvan ETA batsuna    Wyszukaj

Informacje o książce

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Książki w Google Play Warunki korzystania z usług

Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge.

an indication of the PNV leaders’ willingness to come to terms with the Spanish government was combined with a determination not be be outflanked by Herri Batasuna. In January the PNV representatives abandoned the Cortes in protest at the govemment’s delay in proceeding with the autonomy measures,7 and stayed away until shortly before the elections to the Basąue parliament, held on 9 March, which established the conditions for a genuine autonomy.

The tensions which racked the PNV had their counterpart in Herri Batasuna, where ESB’s resentment at the coalition being dominated by ETA-M was expressed in a press statement complaining that the national leadership of Herri Batasuna, which had originally been formed partly by representatives of the component parties, was now ‘elected’ in a totally uncontrolled manner by generał assemblies.78 HASF’s branch in San Sebastian argued that a democratic organisation should always be able to recall its leadership and therefore it supported the procedurę which ESB’s leaders objected to.79 Aldecoa, ESB’s generał secretary, reiterated that Herri Batasuna was an electoral coalition, that ESB did not approve of candidates being selected in a generał assembly, and that it might leave the alliance.80 Before the elections to the autonomous Basąue


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