. Fig. 2-9 - A multiplc-plate capacitor. Altcrnate plates are connected together.
stackcd to form the equivalent of a single large piąte of the same total area. Also, all plates, except the two on the ends, are expo$ed to plates of the other ęroup on both sides, and so are twice as effectivc in incrcasing the capacitancc.
Tlte formula for calculating capacitance is:
C* 0.224 KA (n- i)
, wherc C = Capacitance in pF.
/ K * Diclectric constant of materiał between - plates
A « Area of one side of one platc in sąuare łnches
d ° Separation of platc surfaccs in inches n “Numbcr of plates
If the plates in one group do not have the same area as the plates in the other, usc the area of the smaller plates.
TABLE 2*111
Didcctric Constants and Brcakdown Yoltagcs
Dieiectric |
Punc turę | |
Materiał |
Constant* |
Vo!tage** |
Air |
1.0 | |
ALsimag 196 |
5.7 |
240 |
BakcUtc |
4.4-5.4 |
300 |
Bakclite, mica*filled |
4.7 |
325-375 |
Cfellulosc acctatc |
3.3-3.9 |
250-600 |
Fiber |
5-7.5 |
150-180 |
Formie a |
4.6-4.9 |
450 |
Glass, win do w |
7.6-8 |
200-250 |
Glass, Pyrex |
4.8 |
335 ' |
Mica, ruby |
5.4 |
3800-5600 |
MycaJex |
7.4 |
250 |
Paper, Royalgrey |
/ 3.0 |
200 |
Plexiglass |
2.8 |
990 |
Polycthylene |
2.3 |
1200 |
Polystyrene |
2.6 |
500-700 |
Porcelain |
5.1-5.9 |
40-100 |
Quaitz, fiixed |
3.8 |
1000 |
Stcalite, low-loss |
5.8 |
150-315 |
Teflon |
2.1 |
1000-2000 |
* At 1 MHz •* In volts per mil (0.001 inch)